
Cappuccino Release Notes

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.10

Release date: 2017-07-11

Cappuccino 0.9.10 introduces CPTextView, CPViewAnimator, CGContextText, support of node as a narwhal engine and over 100 other changes and improvements.

Highlights in this release:

  • New: node can be now set as the narwhal engine.
  • New: CPTextView in AppKit.
  • New: CGContextText in AppKit.
  • New: CPAnimationContext and CPViewAnimator in AppKit.

Foundation and Core

  • (a10dfa4) New: CPNumber -integerValue and CPString -integerValue.
  • (41a7417) New: Sweden / Swedish as a possible locale.
  • (5da8728) New: CPObject +instancesImplementSelector:(SEL)aSelector.

Bug fixes:

  • (a995f3a) Fixed: no exception thrown if a plist was not valid in CPKeyedUnarchiver.
  • (e13f5ed) Fixed: CPNumber intValue did not return an integer.
  • (42d7e43) Fixed: formatting of CPCache.
  • (5c60819) Fixed: cache control was not set properly in CPURLRequest.
  • (ae5d317) Fixed: when dependent key paths used a relationship, only the first added observer would observe the attribute for the relationship object.
  • (a192698) Fixed: CPObject +implementsSelector: did not work with proxies and KVO swizzled classes.
  • (12ed42e) Fixed: regular expression were not compatible with gcc > 4.9.


  • (b12d149) New: CPViewController -loadViewAsynchronously:.
  • (598a6eb) (571891) (410ad0d) New: CPAnimationContext and CPViewAnimator.
  • (fedc721) New: CPViewController -viewWill/DidAppear and CPViewController viewWill/didDisappear.
  • (abb0799) New: autoscrolling for table view columns.
  • (0aeccb) (bea03d) (65f701) (6c9c135) (249ebeb) New: CPTextView in AppKit.
  • (315a7b9) New: CGContextText in CoreGraphics.
  • (606132) New: manual test for CPSegmentedControl.
  • (5059028) New: documentation for autoscroll of CPView.
  • (0eb196e) New: CPTabView loads the views asynchronously when possible.
  • (6652a27) New: allow a text based control to stay on a single line when text wraps.
  • (3f64b74) New: CPSetPlatformFeature function in CPCompatibility.
  • (f18074b) New: optional declarative layout for use in CoreAnimation (‘CSS animations’).

Bug fixes:

  • (8f11917) Fixed: race condition when editing a CPTextField in a CPTableView with a double click; focus was lost under some conditions.
  • (6d1a094) Fixed: CPSearchField did not support CPMenuItem -setIndentationLevel:.
  • (c24c386) Fixed: crash when having a CPTableViewHeader without a CPTableView.
  • (43a2480) Fixed: cursor key binding methods did not fire in IE 11.
  • (5c58552) Fixed: first CPPopUpItem was always selected if selected binding value was set before content binding value.
  • (cd92ebd) Fixed: CPObjectController -setEntityName did not work.
  • (1575c2b) Fixed: CPTableView viewBasedCib manual test was broken due to CPBox.
  • (ffcac67) Fixed: manual test SmartFoldersDemo.
  • (f67faf) Fixed: CPCollectionView content binding.
  • (3e6e5f9) Fixed: CPViewController -isViewLoaded property was always set to NO in async mode.
  • (818d5d5) Fixed: date comparisons in CPPredicateEditor.
  • (c38daac) Fixed: unit tests for CPPredicateEditor.
  • (333e112) Fixed: CPPredicateEditor predicate when the template has a CPFloatAttributeType.
  • (9273c9e) Fixed: CPColorPanel always opened in main platform window.
  • (1927bb4) Fixed: CPTextField didn’t optimize tracking areas management.
  • (a28f9ce) Fixed: right mouse clicking during a drag operation canceled it.
  • (a84a7bb) Fixed: the background of the brightness slider had a uniform color in CPColorPicker.
  • (5f1229) Fixed: missing import in CPCollectionView.
  • (12dde51) Fixed: CPView received multiple -viewDidHide/Unhide messages.
  • (a2960a7) Fixed: CPPasteBoard dead code.
  • (e4fce08) Fixed: scrolling events were not dispatched to the CPApp on slower systems under Chrome 52.
  • (4395c07) Fixed: iOS virtual keyboard “done” button not working and tapping other text fields while editing (often) not working.
  • (1360caa) Fixed: editing in a cell-based CPTableView was broken in an editing session.
  • (2f82fb8) Fixed: typo in the documentation of CPControl.
  • (c2b7cc7) Fixed: formatting of CPView.
  • (969d1d) Fixed: optimization of the tracking areas feature in CPView.
  • (4b55a69) Fixed: issues in CPAnimationContext and CPView animator.
  • (62e5d8d) Fixed: incorrect type declaration in CPCache.
  • (037bc4e) New: test to demonstrate the wantsPeriodicFrameUpdates animator property.
  • (cfbef14) New: inhibit DOM updates during size animation in CPAnimationContext.
  • (3d9b42f) Fixed: CSSAnimation linting.
  • (8d403f5) Fixed: IB connections in CPTabViewNibTest.
  • (eeea21c) Fixed: CPViewAnimator was not giving correct frame information.
  • (60b2f7d) Fixed: legacy scrollers were not clickable under some circumstances.
  • (51b9b40) Fixed: native paste in Chrome was not working as robustly as it should.
  • (6aea016) Fixed: text-sizing by canvas and via DOM sizing differed by 1px.
  • (1a299d8) Fixed: CPBox drawing artifacts when used in CPSeparator mode.
  • (f00a5fb) Fixed: delegate -tableView:didDragTableColumn: was never sent.


  • (f24c4b0) New: node can be used as a narwhal engine.
  • (e134f91) New: merged in the parser and compiler that is used in the node objj-runtime.

Bug fixes:

  • (3ba2158) Fixed: outdated sourcemap syntax prevented showing the right sources when debugging in the browser. //@ sourceURL=... has now been replaced by //# sourceURL=... when compiling Objective-J code.


Bug fixes:

  • (087e811) New: bump XcodeCapp copyright year.
  • (b09cb24) Fixed: XcodeCapp ‘Preferences’ menu item not in the standard place.
  • (dd62c0) Fixed: XcodeCapp was broken under macOS Sierra.


  • (5bc3609) New: removed Native Host.

Bug fixes:

  • (584aebf) Fixed: capp_env did not use the master version of Cappuccino.
  • (80bfeb1) Fixed: vestigial rakefile.


  • (edbc1ba) New: nib2cib support for CPButton -imageScaling.

Bug fixes:

  • (dde8059) New: show successfully loaded NSClasses in nib2cib verbose mode.
  • (f4c11d1) Fixed: nib2cib‘ed files different with jake release and jake deploy.
  • (3e56c8e) Fixed: XcodeCapp nib2cib incorrect vs jake release.
  • (c4bf67d) Fixed: selection in CPTabView when set through nib2cib.


Bug fixes:

  • (67c767c) Fixed: accidental Nuage Networks specific code related to text fields made it into the general release.
  • (a924fcf) Fixed: wrong default path for loading Cucapp in the CLI.
  • (2fe795f) Fixed: private API _mainDOMWindow did not actually return the main DOM window but the key DOM window.
  • (732d77e) Fixed: the function dumpGuiObject was called two times for the class CPScrollView.

Other changes

  • (598a482) New: Gitter badge in the README.

Bug fixes:

  • (fa07bc1) Fixed: missed some version number bumps in the 0.9.9 release.
  • (f9cc773) Fixed: missing requirements in the README.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.9

Release date : 2016-03-31

Cappuccino 0.9.9 introduces CPLocalization, XcodeCapp 4.0, CPTrackingArea, retina drawing support and over 250 other changes and improvements.

Highlights in this release:

  • New: ability to localize a Cappuccino app using standard methods.
  • New: CPUserNotification and CPUserNotificationCenter support.
  • New: CPCache support.
  • New: CPTrackingArea support.
  • New: draw in high DPI (Retina drawing) when using canvas2D.
  • New: XcodeCapp 4.0.
  • New: capp_env virtual environments support.
  • New: abstract library for Cucapp.
  • New: runtime method binding for Objective-J (speed improvement of 20%).
  • New: CPAppearance and CPVisualEffectView support.
  • Optimization of the CPTableView.

Foundation and Core

  • (630aa53) New: CPCache has been added to Foundation.
  • (58afc92) New: timeout and cache feature in CPURLRequest.
  • (806be95) New: CPURLConnectionDelegate protocol.
  • (8809c16) New: CPURLConnection +sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:.
  • (ce8f8c0) New: CPNotificationQueue.
  • (686f931) New: ability to localize a Cappuccino application. An app can be localized through strings and cibs. The language to use is selected from the browser or from the Info.plist.
  • (e172217) New: CPArray -arrayByApplyingBlock:.
  • (cbc653b) Cappuccino now supports the KVC operators unionOfObjects, distinctUnionOfObjects, unionOfArrays, distinctUnionOfArrays and distinctUnionOfSets.

Bug Fixes:

  • (8599ad4) Fixed: the init method CPArray initWithObjects:count: did not work on a native CPJavascriptArray when the argument count was different than the length of the provided array.
  • (912930) Fixed: CPDictionary -initWithObjectsAndKeys: and CPDictionary -initWithObjects:forKeys: were not compliant with Cocoa when duplicated keys were passed to the method.
  • (3e29732) Fixed: the parameter queue of the method CPNotificationCenter -addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock: was ignored. It now creates a new operation and adds it to the given queue if needed.
  • (04f8545)(0508b70) Fixed: incompatibility with Internet Explorer 10. The withCredentials property is now set after the XMLHttpRequest has been opened.
  • (b59b025) Fixed: CPDateFormatter did not work with the symbols MM and LL for the month of December.
  • (ea644a2) Fixed: CPObjectController -setValue:forKey: incorrectly used the key as the value.
  • (ec55bdd) Fixed: not throw exception if plist is not valid. It will return nil instead.


  • (14349cb) New: CPPlatformWindow -initWithWindow. This feature allows you to manipulate a CPPlatformWindow through the given CPWindow, which is easier than regular platform window manipulation.
  • (4d7cb06) New: the theme attributes image-search-inset and image-cancel-inset have been added for CPSearchField.
  • (51bdfa4) New: the protocol CPScrollViewDelegate has been added for CPScrollView.j.
  • (7b4365b) New: added the delegate method windowWillResize:toSize: for CPWindow.
  • (737ef58) New: added the delegate methods windowDidMiniaturize:, windowWillMiniaturize: and windowDidDeminiaturize: for CPWindow.
  • (0dad10d) New: send the CPAppKitDefined notification when the application is launched.
  • (57b6888)(899bbc2)(0d17757) New: indeterminate spinning CPProgressBarIndicator.
  • (bdbf1fb) New: added the property baseWritingDirection to CPControl. This allows you to write from left to right or right to left.
  • (3a6a849) New: CPUserNotification and CPUserNotificationCenter.
  • (3f9f92) New: CPPlatform +closeAllPlatformWindows. This method is called when reloading or closing the Cappuccino application. The method closes every platform window opened in the application.
  • (058a73) New: delegate methods applicationShouldTerminate and applicationShouldTerminateMessage for the CPApplicationDelegateProtocol.
  • (ab61aef) New: CPVisualEffectView and CPAppearance.
  • (2f79b07) New: default system menu is now disabled for right click, except for a right click on a CPTextField.
  • (448c2a2) New: speed up app loading by creating the DOMCanvas only if CPView -drawRect: or CPView -viewWillDraw are overridden, and do it lazily (on the first viewWillLayout).
  • (448c2a2) New: (private API) CPView viewWillLayout and CPView viewDidLayout.
  • (1fe1e6f) New: ability to more widely theme AppKit. In particular CPColor alternateSelectedControlColor and related CPColor fields can now be themed.
  • (d5f38fe) New: CPRunLoop -performBlock:argument:order:modes:.
  • (932b82)(770d5e) New: CPTrackingArea.
  • (a2c0b47) New: the graphical CPDatePicker now disallows dates outside of the specified minDate and maxDate.
  • (2d474cc) New: by default, Cappuccino now draws in high DPI when using canvas2D. You can disable this feature globally using the method CPView +setAllowsHighDPIDrawing:.
  • (c04d3b2 ) New: CPView -setNeedsLayout: and CPView -needsLayout have been added. This makes it possible to choose not to lay out a view when needed, whereas previously once a layout had been scheduled it would always occur.
  • (1c9e9da) New: CPTableView -viewAtColumn:row:makeIfNecessary.

Bug Fixes:

  • (eca9590) Fixed: CPTableColumn’s binding documentation was not clear.
  • (b16b838) Fixed: CPSearchFields were not properly aligned when coming from a xib.
  • (7c09517)(2b853df) Fixed: CPSegmentedControl -widthForSegment: and CPSegmentedControl -frameForSegment: did not return the correct value when using CPSegmentedControl -sizeToFit. The selectedSegment variable is now correctly updated.
  • (027a317) Fixed: memory leaks with tooltips in CPView. This was due to handlers not being released.
  • (1dc0601) Fixed: closing a CPPlatformWindow did not close its main CPWindow.
  • (cf92fb9) Fixed: CPComboBoxes were not properly aligned when coming from a xib.
  • (f2c5515) Fixed: CPTableView -reloadData caused an extra run loop perform.
  • (6aece1c) Fixed: the default template generated by the command capp gen -t ThemeDescriptor was slightly non-standard compared to that of Aristo 1 and Aristo 2.
  • (98d0a39) Fixed: in CPTableView, clickedRow and clickedColumn did not behave like in Cocoa outside of the scope of a mouse event.
  • (44c686f) Fixed: the method CPView -scrollRectToVisible: did not behave like in Cocoa.
  • (914a3d7) Fixed: the height of a CPSegmentedControl brought in via nib2cib was incorrect.
  • (10792c0)(01ba6dd)(fd06844) Fixed: the keyWindow and mainWindow of the application were not updated when switching from a platform window to another one.
  • (9798b9f) Fixed: the overflow of a CPPlatformWindow was not clipped; it was possible to scroll a platform window.
  • (769b379) Fixed: a CPPopover closed itself even on a click in another platform window.
  • (6efe563) Fixed: the private method CPEvent -_initOtherEventWithType:location:modifierFlags:timestamp:windowNumber:context: did not save the windowNumber provided.
  • (0dad10d) Fixed: notifications willBecomeActive: and didBecomeActive: were called even if the application was already active. These notifications are now also sent when the application just finished launch.
  • (5c2e093) Fixed: notifications willBecomeActive:, didBecomeActive:, willResignActive:, didResignActive: were not sent when the application focus was lost or gained.
  • (da15cc4) Fixed: the nextValidKeyView calculated by Cappuccino in a CPScrollView did not behave as in Cocoa. It didn’t take the scroll position into consideration.
  • (da15cc4) Fixed: a CPTextField could not become first responder when not visible.
  • (136138d) Fixed: incorrect CPTextField first responder resignation behavior for a non key window CPWindow.
  • (65a379c) Fixed: the textual CPDatePicker did not respect the English format.
  • (f822268) Fixed: memory leaks in CPSplitView when using a delegate.
  • (a7b6010) Fixed: CPScrollView -documentVisibleRect did not return the expected result when the document view was scaled.
  • (9694c7) Fixed: CPButton -sizeToFit was broken when calling the method with a new title or a new image.
  • (d6b0fc)(d1e31d) Fixed: when selecting a label through a right click, its selectable state was not taken into consideration.
  • (6fe9da)(923d32) Fixed: AppKit unit-tests were not stand-alone.
  • (5cd25e2) Fixed: type of boolean values lost when parsing a CPPredicate format.
  • (6420a51) Fixed: crash when a cell-based CPTableView contained a data view that contained an editable CPTextField.
  • (655bc39) Fixed: CPPopovers were blinking in Chrome and Opera.
  • (c9e83e0) Fixed: slow drawing on non-retina resolutions due to needless identity transform.
  • (3fcc37e) Fixed: CPTabView did not accept the first mouse event when the CPTabView was in an unfocused window.
  • (7a0b2c9) Fixed: crash with the CPRuleEditor when dragging the first row.
  • (4ac6395) Fixed: CPToolTip did not work in an external CPWindow.
  • (448c2a2) Fixed: view based CPTableView broken after the CPAppearance feature was added.
  • (448c2a2) Refactoring: CPAppearance and CPVisualEffectView.
  • (526181a) Fixed: CPImage -size returned internal object ref.
  • (d5b90c9) New: CPTabView improvements. The methods CPTabViewItem -tabViewItemWithViewController: and CPTabViewItem -setImage: have been added. New bindings options (CPContentBinding - CPSelectedIndexBinding - CPSelectionIndexesBinding) have been added to CPTabView.
  • (d5b90c9) Fixed: CPTabView -insertTabViewItem:atIndex:.
  • (c30f8b0) Fixed: warning when compiling AppKit.
  • (40a9f19) Fixed: crash when a new CPPlatformWindow was blocked by the browser when opening (e.g. by a popup blocker).
  • (f062fda) Optimization: CPView -layoutSubviews and CPView -viewWillLayout.
  • (b04e576) Tests: new unit tests for the method CPString -stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:.
  • (d4b1680) Fixed: copy and paste did not work properly in a new CPPlatformWindow.
  • (d5f38fe) Fixed: timing key responder issue when a CPTextField became the first key responder.
  • (b929a8f) Fixed: cib performances improved through a better way to handle CPThemeAttribute. Speed improvements of up 20% when loading a cib.
  • (5e94aaa) Fixed: default selection of a CPTabView didn’t not work.
  • (0bc02de) Fixed: CPBundle +loadCibNamed:owner: was asynchronous instead of synchronous.
  • (78e29d2) Fixed: cursor position of a CPTextField was wrong when the CPTextField became the first responder.
  • (e214bf3) Fixed: refactored CPString -charPositionOfString:withFont:forPoint:.
  • (411a282) Fixed: manual test SmartFoldersDemo fixed.
  • (0ac0845) Fixed: subquery expressions containing variables of a CPPredicate were ignored.
  • (912fdea) Fixed: new manual test for CPTabViewBindings.
  • (5ec5198) Fixed: added a manual test to check the behavior of a CPSplitView divider when having one view.
  • (8908fb7) Fixed: view hierarchy was not updated while processing events and using the CPTrackingArea.
  • (2dda326) Fixed: CPRadioButton cropped in the manual test Theme Kitchen Sink.
  • (8403e36) New: Theme Kitchen Sink test looks better.
  • (5d88d07) Fixed: CPPredicate’s predicateFormat with a CPNull value as right expression wasn’t working.
  • (96ae3da) Fixed: replace loops with CPArray -arrayByApplyingBlock:.
  • (4f13df6) Fixed: some manual tests were broken.
  • (f2528b5) Changed the name of the method CPDomDisplayServerSetStyleBackgroundSize to CPDOMDisplayServerSetStyleBackgroundSize.
  • (63f634a) Fixed: unreachable code in CPDOMDisplayServer.h.
  • (02f301d) Fixed: the CPStepper class initializer methods returned an object of type id instead of CPStepper.
  • (f9ce1d1)(01e69ce)(a2b38c8)(d50df6a)(cec746d)(71c0ba6) The CPTableView class has been refactored and optimized. The methods CPTableView -preparedViewAtColumn:row: and CPTableView -enumerateAvailableViewsUsingblock: have been added.
  • (ee688d9) Fixed: theme showcase didn’t work.
  • (187a017) Fixed: duplicated unit tests.
  • (c0a2da4) Fixed: CPDatePicker will now raise CPInvalidArgumentException if given an invalid date.
  • (7c4cdef) Fixed: wrong divider color of a CPSegmentedControl.
  • (7c60ffa) Fixed: CPPopover didn’t update its position when the frame of one of its superviews changed.
  • (9cb3eef) Fixed: when the auto-complete menu for a CPTokenField was open, the enter key was not consumed by the menu but forwarded to the application.
  • (8f11917) Fixed: race condition when editing a CPTextField in a CPTableView.


(8c2f0ba) Optimization: runtime methods objj_msgSend, objj_msgSendSuper and objj_method are now faster. Arrays and dictionaries use more efficient code. This improves app speed by up to 20%. New: ability to inline functions when compiling with the option -O2 or the compiler flag InlineMsgSend. * (751e76b) New: include type signatures by default when compiling an Objective-J file. This can be disabled by removing the compiler flag IncludeTypeSignatures or compiling with the -T option. * (751e76b) New: runtime methods method_copyReturnType, method_copyArgumentType and method_getNumberOfArguments. * (4b81e0d) Some AppKit speed improvements through the use of the new objj_msgSend in some places including CPTableView and CPWindow.


  • (47611b7)(d317744)(340d827) New: XcodeCapp 4.0.

Bug Fixes:

  • (5457ddb) Fixed: XcodeCapp ignored the resources folder.
  • (2b17e17) Fixed: XcodeCapp did not ignore its own xib when the XcodeCapp folder was in a Cappuccino project.
  • (671ed3c)(bacb701) Fixed: memory leaks in XcodeCapp.
  • (2b17e17) Fixed: reload the operations and errors table views only when they are visible in XcodeCapp.
  • (f41504c)(51a88a2) Refactored: do not use Lumberjack in XcodeCapp anymore.
  • (50d7e8d) Fixed: typos and grammar in XcodeCapp.
  • (50d7e8d) Fixed: uneven margins and spacing in XcodeCapp settings.


Bug Fixes:

  • (2f5e7f3) Fixed: nib2cib failed when having a custom formatter in a cell.
  • (0326b7d)(00bdbcf)(d527139) Fixed: nib2cib failed when having a CPTableView in a CPBox.
  • (808591d) Fixed: CPObjectController didn’t get entityName and lazyFetching attributes from the xib/cib file.


  • (06c5976) New: added the tool objj2objcskeleton. This tool converts an Objective-J files to a basic Objective-C file containing an interface representing the original file.
  • (a0277ab) New: added the option -x (alternatively --xml) to objj. This option allows you to specify the output format of objj to be XML.
  • (245da9b)(0f62926)(c9f391d) New: capp_env has been added to Cappuccino. This tools allows you to create virtual environments for Cappuccino.
  • (3f88e02) New: -n option added to objj2objcskeleton. This option allows you to specify the name of the generated file.
  • (d358f0) New: the XML output format of the command objj now has the key sourcePath instead of path.

Bug Fixes:

  • (5bba109) Fixed: “too many open files” error when compiling an app or Cappuccino itself using jake. Jake now properly closes files when done with them.
  • (8cc075) Fixed: objj2objcskeleton did not transform Objective-J categories.
  • (0e4136) Fixed: the --xml option for the objj command did not output every error in XML.
  • (3d79799) Fixed: Cappuccino installation as a whole failed if XcodeCapp build failed.
  • (662db00) Fixed: build in directory with a space in the path would fail.


  • (964fc8b) New: the method verifyThatAllExpectationsHaveBeenMetInOrder: has been added to OJMoq. This method allows you to check if certain registered methods are called in order.
  • (7c47306) New: the option -x to stop the suite of tests when a test fails.
  • (d19e968) New: jake install will update OJTest on your system.
  • (f8c73aa) New: OJTest raises a warning when a test method has already been declared in the same test class.

Bug Fixes:

  • (09de5a2) Fixed: counting of a selector with OBJMoq and OJMockSpy worked incorrectly if set up multiple times with different arguments.
  • (f799634) Fixed: attribute names were used directly instead of through runtime functions.
  • (def9006) Fixed: CPRunLoop was not called at the end of every tests.
  • (522fcdf) Fixed: duplicated unit tests.
  • (1f6cc19) Fixed: the coverage option wasn’t working.


  • (986db18) New: nodes backgroundColor, textColor and borderColor in generated XML.
  • (af4fbc7) New:-simulateScrollWheelOnPoint:.
  • (b432bd2) New: Cucapp now generates an error message for every Objective-J exception caught.
  • (e0f276e) New: jake install for Cucapp. The command will install Cucapp in narwhal and the gems required (Cucumber, Thin, Nokogiri, Launchy and JSON).
  • (e0f276e) New: added the command cucapp. This command allows you to create a testing architecture in your Cappuccino application. The architecture provides a new command jake cucumber-test, creates a soft link to where Cucapp is installed and creates every file needed to create Ceucumber tests.
  • (27f03e4) New: Cucapp now uses watir-webdriver as support for the browser.
  • (a12e068) New: environment variables WATIR_CHROME_DRIVER and WATIR_CHROME_SWITCHES to configure watir for Chrome.
  • (61b1906) New: files CPResponder+CuCapp.j and CuCapp+Record.j are now copied to the targeted folder when using the cucapp command.
  • (7f830c1) New: Cucapp now dispatches DOM events to the main document instead of sending events to the CPApp.
  • (8075435) New: default steps such as clicking, hitting a key and checking a CPControl value in test_application_steps.rb.
  • (8075435) New: environment variables BROWSER_SIZE_WIDTH and BROWSER_SIZE_HEIGHT to specify the size of the browser when testing.
  • (3472386) New: possibility to create screenshots from Cucapp.
  • (10b3ff2) New: support for phantomjs.
  • (30786c5) New: abstract layer of steps. These steps can be used to quickly and easily write tests in Cucumber. They are totally abstract and can be used for every Cappuccino application. They provide an API to simulate any action a user could perform and to check values in the application.
  • (b172e5a) New: the environment variable CAPP_INSTALL_DIR can be used to specify where Cucapp should be installed when using jake install.
  • (76551a5) New: Ruby methods to generate mouse up and down events.
  • (76551a5) New: the environment variable BROWSER_FULL_SCREEN can be set to have the browser in full screen when testing.
  • (a7b6fa1) New: added a sleep of 5 ms between every keyboard event generated by Cucapp.

Bug Fixes:

  • (a266833) Fixed: the command simulateScrollWheel: did not work in a CPScrollView.
  • (e07bc84) Fixed: the command simulateScrollWheel: did not return a result.
  • (01b7ddc) Fixed: methods textFor: and objectValue did not return the string value of a CPPopUpButton.
  • (e93d795) Fixed: CPWindows of the application not all closed when the test was over.
  • (fa281e8) Fixed: CPRunLoop was not called between every event simulated.
  • (76551a5) Refactoring of the class Encumber. Drag and drop events were generated from the Cappuccino side. They are now generated from the Cucumber side instead.
  • (a87e514)(531645a) Fixed: it wasn’t possible to launch the tests other than on port 3000.
  • (1854fd2) Fixed: the document used to dispatch the events generated by Cucapp could be null.
  • (1854fd2) Fixed: installation of gems could not be completed due to permission.
  • (74a7a3c) Fixed: documentation about how to install phantomjs has been added to the documentation.
  • (bfd7537) Fixed: style in cappuccino_mappings.rb.
  • (0f2fb70) Fixed: extraneous note about PhantomJS in the Readme.
  • (feedf75) Fixed: Cucapp imported <AppKit/AppKit.j>. This could raise exceptions when testing a compiled application.
  • (111c56f) Fixed: The Cucapp’s CLI now logs informations when clicking on a CPView.

Other Changes

  • (a439688) Fixed: private variables were shown in Cappuccino’s documentation.
  • (6b4a1b) New: added the Gitter chat link to the README.
  • (c468440) Fixed: tutorials have been updated with the latest features of XcodeCapp, Safari and Objective-J.
  • (5e3fe13) New: added Twitter account to the README.

The changes above summarize a few hundred of the most important changes in Cappuccino 0.9.9. You can review the other 250 or so changes in the 0.9.8…0.9.9 compare view.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.8

Release date : 2015-03-29

Cappuccino 0.9.8 introduces multiline support for CPTextField, Cucapp, XcodeCapp 3.2 and over 300 other changes and improvements.

Highlights in this release:

  • New: @typdef support.
  • New: multi-line support for CPTextField.
  • New: CFError, CPURLErrors and CFError.
  • New: CPControl -setControlSize:.
  • Redesigned 'CPPredicateEditor’ and ‘CPRuleEditor’.
  • New: all @protocols in Foundation and AppKit.
  • New: support for capp_lint and objj to XcodeCapp (now version 3.2).
  • Added Cucapp as part of the Cappuccino Project (https://github.com/cappuccino/cucapp)
  • New: support for more than 32 theme states in the theming system.
  • Fixed: many memory leaks in Foundation and AppKit.
  • Optimization of the runtime function objj_msgSend.

Foundation and Core

  • (a1ea371) New: CPCoding for CPAttributedString.
  • (7c6ef51) New: CPDate +dateByAddingTimeInterval:.
  • (e7ae969) New: CPNotificationCenter -addObserverName:object:queue:usingBlock:.
  • (fa5fd1e) New: CPDiacriticInsensitiveSearch support in CPString for the method -(CPRange)rangeOfString:options:range:. Added support for strip variants of ‘E’ ‘I’ ‘O’ ‘U’.

Bug Fixes:

  • (1dc84f9) Fixed: issue with CPDateFormatter -_dateWithTimeZone: when timeZone is null.
  • (acd5442) Fixed: CPDateFormatter‘s relativeDateFormating didn’t work in January and was inaccurate for some time intervals around daylight saving time changes.
  • (d176dd0) Fixed: CPNumber +numberWithBool: broke CPComparisonPredicate.
  • (a31ad2c) Fixed: CPAttributedString -isEqual: true despite attribute differences.
  • (9119e08) Fixed: CPDateFormatter didn’t work for non-“en” locales.
  • (06240d1) Fixed: CPUserDefault -setFloat:forKey: used @selector(aValue) instead of @selector(floatValue).
  • (d3490f6) The method encodeValueOfObjCType has been renamed to encodeValueOfObjJType in CPCoder.
  • (eb883bc) Refactoring of the classes CPURLRequest and CPURLConnection:
    • The property withCredentials has been moved from CPURLConnection to CPURLRequest.
    • The accessors originalRequest and currentRequest have been added to CPURLConnection.
    • Added the possibility to make a deep copy of the CPURLRequest.
  • (b1382e8) Fixed: a CPOperation marked as cancelled could not be restarted.
  • (fa7b71c) Fixed: constructors of CPDate did not raise warnings when the arguments were not floats or ints.


  • (7b86465) New: protocols CPTableViewDelegate and CPTableViewDataSource.
  • (09eca10) New: protocol CPAlertDelegate.
  • (4d266f4) New: protocol CPCollectionViewDelegate.
  • (5b2bfce) New: protocol CPApplicationDelegate.
  • (db113da) New: protocols CPOutlineViewDelegate and CPOutlineViewDataSource.
  • (7d14676) New: protocol CPTabViewDelegate.
  • (5dd4266) New: protocol CPToolbarDelegate.
  • (cc9d896) New: protocol CPPopoverDelegate.
  • (f8ae610) New: protocol CPSplitViewDelegate.
  • (7ccdc50) New: protocol CPAnimationDelegate.
  • (d5af980) New: protocol CPSoundDelegate.
  • (0a85b4b) New: protocol CPImageDelegate.
  • (1825887) New: protocol CPMenuDelegate.
  • (59b80ab) New: protocol CPComboDelegate.
  • (9b39724) New: protocol CPRuleEditorDelegate.
  • (1171c9a) New: protocol CPTokenFieldDelegate.
  • (9d2fba3) New: protocol CPWindowDelegate.
  • (26118ee) New: protocols CPControlTextEditingDelegate and CPTextFieldDelegate.
  • (2513cf0) New: protocol CPBrowserDelegate.
  • (25bb51f) New: protocol CPComboBoxDataSource.
  • (6cae917) New: bidirectional CPLevelIndicator behavior.
  • (7d304fb) New: support for unlimited number of CPTheme state definitions.
  • (970b176) New: graphical CPDatePicker now reacts correctly to clicks on the arrow buttons with Cmd / ctrl / alt depressed.
  • (c1fb54e) New: delegate method CPTableView -tableView:willRemoveView:forTableColumn:row.
  • (904454d) New: delegate method CPOutlineView -outlineView:willRemoveView:forTableColumn:item:.
  • (1b351ad) New: CPColor +checkerBoardColor for debug use.
  • (050fcf2) New: CPThemeStateFirstResponder for CPView.
  • (025a43e) New: CPThemeStateKeyWindow for CPView.
  • (a544854) New: feature to select a set of dates with a shift click in a CPDatePicker.
  • (0f2ec90) New: support for documentVisibleRect in CPClipView and CPScrollView.
  • (7470f4f) New: CPEvent scrollingDeltaX, scrollingDeltaY and hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
  • (07c0de7) New: support line-by-line scrolling with old scroll wheel devices in Firefox.
  • (12c427a) New: added the method CPControl -setControlSize:.
  • (3dc581e) New: added the theme attribute nib2cib-adjustment-frame.
  • (a3796fe) New: the method -(void)bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: now checks if another exclusive binding exists.
  • (a3796fe) New: added the private method +(void)_reverseSetValueFromExclusiveBinderForObject: in CPBinder to send the value back to the bound object when you don’t know the original binding name.
  • (9c6cca7) New: multi-line support for CPTextField.
  • (e1d92bd) New: CPDatePicker now has a focus ring when editing.
  • (fa3f18c) Optimizaton: CPWindow -setContentView: now checks that the new view is not the same as the existing content view.

Bug Fixes:

  • (8b975f5, 8147f64) Fixed: CPDatePicker textual issues.
  • (21aac76) Fixed: crash in CPDateFormatter -getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription: with nil errorDescription.
  • (2fc501f) Fixed: CPDateFormatter -stringFromDate: did not return a default date.
  • (ebccbf2) Fixed: issues with timeZone and the CPDatePicker.
  • (93b48ba) Fixed: support for dates (CPDatePicker) in CPPredicateEditor.
  • (1814f6b) Fixed: crash when clicking on an empty CPTableView with variable row height.
  • (821f8fe) Fixed: error when several objects were bound to the same objectController.selection.keyPath and the objectController selection changed.
  • (d7b5382) Fixed: CPTabView did not update its tab’s labels when laid out.
  • (974942a) Fixed: OS X two finger scrolling issue.
  • (86f0724) Fixed: CPRoundRectBezelStyle gave a CPNull ThemeState.
  • (5b4e7df) Fixed: placeholder string shown while editing empty CPTextField.
  • (be3c4ab) Fixed: CPPopover not closing in some browsers.
  • (15e16d8) Fixed: editing text fields on different windows could clobber each other’s contents.
  • (8bdaeab) Fixed: selection behavior when implementing CPTableView -selectionIndexesForProposedSelection:
  • (1557c56) Fixed: crash due to wrong delegate bitmask in CPOutlineView.
  • (af83065) Fixed: warning due to use of aDOMEvent.returnValue.
  • (3e187df) Fixed: CPPopover transitionend not correctly called in random cases.
  • (07f7ad0) Fixed: crash on Cmd + Z keypress within a control in a CPPopover.
  • (de4bc67) Fixed: CPToolTip added to CPWindow wrong.
  • (af37616) Fixed: CPToolTip still shown when closing a window asynchronously.
  • (4dadf0c) Fixed: CPPopover did not update its frame after setContentSize:.
  • (3c0f6d3) Fixed: CPMenu enabled state was not visually updated upon change of a bound value.
  • (951e811) Fixed: CPPopover -popverWillShow: was called too early.
  • (584955c) Fixed: CPPopover -updateFrameWithSize: always assumed the popover was open.
  • (59a9727) Fixed: crash due to CPTooltip remaining attached to a closed CPWindow.
  • (26d6450) Fixed: variable scope in CPSegmentedControl.
  • (7fc014f) Fixed: contentInset theme value read two times in CPToolBar.
  • (d46b9b5) Fixed: textual CPDatePicker stepper incorrectly enabled after decode.
  • (61f6ef4) Fixed: crash in CALayer when running non-DOM platform.
  • (ba27a4c) Fixed: new first responder and key window theme states not always applied.
  • (a4702d4) Fixed: illegible white on grey text in CPTableView.
  • (f953b4d) Fixed: warning when closing a CPPopover for the first time.
  • (741ac31) Fixed: issue when making the first paste with a right click.
  • (089d564) Fixed: CPDatePicker firstResponder issue.
  • (ac53b30) Fixed: CPComboBox doesn’t work in modal.
  • (1e12973) Fixed: wrong text colour in a CPTableView cell when editing another cell.
  • (a129f2c) Fixed: CPTextField didn’t update its style while editing.
  • (3364e6c) Fixed: unsigned delegate methods of CPTokenField erased by CPTextField.
  • (cd6ffba) Fixed: CPPanel and CPPopover didn’t close when hitting escape.
  • (972c142) Fixed: CPDatePicker value became wrong after a stepper was clicked.
  • (148f317) Fixed: when closing a CPPanel with escape, the delegates were not called.
  • (3b9a012) Fixed: CPTextField -setTextColor: did not change the color of the placeholder.
  • (43ed8be) Fixed: delegate method popoverWillShow: called when the popover was already open.
  • (7bd27eb) Fixed: crash of press tool when missing theme attribute(s).
  • (34072f3) Fixed: stringValue was used instead of intValue in CPDatePicker.
  • (f8457bd) Fixed: CPPopover _closeOnBlur had accessors.
  • (c274f27) Fixed: escape on a CPanel or a CPPopover broke the key chain event.
  • (88954b9) Fixed: CPCollectionView height was too low.
  • (7de3022) Fixed: animation of a CPPopover didn’t work as in Cocoa.
  • (c642d76) Fixed: CPPopover didn’t handle semi-transient behavior.
  • (3652931) Fixed: CPTextField -setTextFieldBackgroundColor: had not effect.
  • (4a3f51e) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not use days, months, year when used within a CPPredicateEditor.
  • (293114f) Fixed: delete methods erased entire field in CPTextField.
  • (01b631a) Fixed: CPPopover not showing in correct platform window.
  • (d686a0d) Fixed: CPTextField bindings delete data in case of multiple selection after tabbing out with no editing.
  • (7890085) Fixed: CPPopover animation issues.
  • (26e29df) Fixed: CPRuleEditor/CPPredicateEditor alignments.
  • (3e4c038) Fixed: memory leaks in CPOutlineView and corrupted itemInfos dictionary.
  • (55861a8) Fixed: transient popovers were not closed by a right click.
  • (b3f7f44) New: set user event flag based on presence of DOMEvent in CPTextField.
  • (a04f104) Fixed: checking if a CPTextField is usable in a CPPlatformWindow.
  • (48b3eb2) Fixed: delegate method popoverDidShow: not called with a none animated CPPopover.
  • (b1981bb) Fixed: activateIgnoringOtherApps:shouldIgnoreOtherApps did not call _didBecomeActive in CPApplication.
  • (4cebfbc) Removed outdated collectionViewDidChangeSelection: delegate method.
  • (b2f1477) Fixed: wrong condition in CPApplication in _didBecomeActive.
  • (9ed30f5) Fixed: methods viewDidMoveToSuperview, viewDidMoveToWindow, viewWillMoveToSuperview and viewWillMoveToWindow not called as in Cocoa.
  • (abdf115) Fixed: memory leaks with CPNotification.
  • (92a5fa1) Fixed: crash of the CPOutlineView when reloading and asssigning an item to another parent.
  • (f1cfa14) Fixed: buttons in CPButtonBar were never removed from the CPButtonBar
  • (3f4ba87) Fixed: CPTooltip content alignement was mistakenly set to be justified.
  • (b922144) Fixed: some tooltips were truncated.
  • (fe6a576) Fixed: Aristo 1 close button of inactive windows looked like the same in active windows.
  • (f007ecf) Fixed: wrong text-color for CPDatePicker.
  • (ae5b3c4) Fixed: CPDatePicker didn’t work in a CPTableView.
  • (ab4f0f8) Fixed: display-issue in Google Chrome caused by a negative z-index.
  • (48276f9) Fixed: CPPlatformString +sizeWithFont:inWidth sometimes calculated a width 1 px too narrow.
  • (8d036ab) Fixed: backspace in a non-editable or disabled CPTextField triggered the browser’s page back button.
  • (b9b396a) Fixed: CPButton -setHidden: in a button bar was not working.
  • (1e39281) Fixed: the method -(void)unbindAllForObject: of the class CPBinder did not work.
  • (7db488c) Fixed: memory leaks in CPImageView due to the CPImageDidLoadNotification.
  • (a3796fe) Fixed: memory leaks for the classes CPPopUpButton, CPRadio and CPSegmentedControl when using bindings.
  • (83ec89f) Fixed: CPDatePicker incorrectly sent an action to its target when using the method -(void)setObjectValue: or -(void)setDateValue:.
  • (c1e89bd) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not behave a a CPTextField in a CPTableView with regards to row selection.
  • (b617d60) Fixed: when encoding and decoding a CPTableView, several _CPTableDrawViews were added to the view.
  • (921fcbd) Fixed: the first responder would sometimes stop being the first responder when moved between two views in the same window.
  • (5979baa) Fixed: CPPopover’s -popoverShouldClose: delegate method was not called in transient or semi-transient mode.
  • (608480c) CPPopover windows now trap the next mouse event automatically if the popover is still visible after a performClose:.
  • (09e3c5e) Fixed: ability to select part of a textual CPDatePicker when dragging.
  • (f295667) Fixed: Key Value Observing generated new and old values in the change dictionary regardless of the options provided when adding the observer. Now it respects the options passed in the method addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:. This can result in speed improvements of up to 200%.
  • (8e346f1) Fixed: when a CPTableView had its selection style set to CPTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone, two clicks were required to select a control in a row.
  • (328172c) Fixed: CPTableView enabled the bezeled state of a non-selectable CPTextField when right clicked.
  • (a75e5d9) Fixed: a selectable text mouse cursor style was not shown when the mouse hovered above an enabled and editable or selectable CPTextField.
  • (2e3c658) Fixed: when closing and reopening a CPWindow the first responder would not reset.
  • (459374d) Fixed: the menu of CPComboBox would not move in tandem with its control’s window.
  • (f486c02) Fixed: some CPComboBox APIs. You can now set the font, alignment, intercellSpacing and itemHeight of the CPComboBox without listDelegate.
  • (2dff805) The content-inset of a CPComboBox has been changed for better alignment.
  • (5cad5b0) Fixed: the text cursor of a CPTextField didn’t take the content-inset into account.
  • (d8718cc) Fixed: when switching between two CPPlatformWindows, the new targeted window didn’t get the first CPEvent which instead went to the previous window.
  • (d8718cc) Fixed: a CPPanel could not be opened in a CPPlatformWindow other than the main one.
  • (afe326c) New: you can now set a specific height for a CPTextField even if a control size is set.
  • (5a99e18) Fixed: chaining sheet dialogs in a CPWindow wouldn’t work.
  • (d5b4d66) Fixed: opening a CPMenu with items and then opening a CPMenu without any items would cause a crash.
  • (05d602c) CPDatePicker no longer holds the character CPCarriageReturnCharacter.
  • (c4fbef2) Fixed: crash when dragging the first filter of a CPRuleEditor above the first line of the rule editor.
  • (f17898d, 0fb7399) Fixed: CPPopover would no longer move together with the control it was attached to.
  • (3aa8eb9) Fixed: blank screen in some browser. The z-index of the main div of the Cappuccino is now set to 0 instead of -1000.
  • (82dc126) Fixed: memory leaks in the classes CPTableView, CPScrollView, CPClipeView, CPComboBox, CPTextField and CPView.
  • (82dc126) Fixed: a null intercellSpacing would crash CPComboBox. The delegate method comboBoxWillDismiss: did not work.
  • (f4c2a0a) Fixed: the add and remove button of a CPPredicateEditor were blurred.
  • (0265fc3) Fixed: the size of a CPCheckBox was incorrectly calculated when using the constructor checkBoxWithTitle:.
  • (02f301d) Fixed: CPStepper class method returned id instead of CPStepper type.
  • (f2528b5) Fixed: inconsistent naming of CPDOMDisplayServerSetStyleBackgroundSize
  • (a2c0b47) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not gray out dates outside of minDate and maxDate.


  • (5ab346e) New: the keyword @typedef has been added to Objective-J. This keyword allows you to define new types for your application.
  • (d3490f6) New: CFError has been added to the framework. CPError is now toll-free bridged with CFError. This mirrors the implementation in Cocoa.
  • (d3490f6) New: CPURLErrors and CFNetworkErrors have been added to the framework. They respect the same error codes as in Cocoa.
  • (2411edd) New: faster objj_msgSend.
  • (3331778) New: CFHTTPRequest now accepts the withCredentials property.
  • (ffcef90) New: CPURLRequest now accepts withCredentials.

Bug Fixes:

  • (ee668df) Fixed: ivars with accessors in a Category caused a duplicate ivar error.
  • (8c43f4f) Fixed: potential error while skipping whitespace in XML plists.
  • (1dbd41a) Fixed: error in Internet Explorer if Info.plist was served with the wrong content type.
  • (d629a13) Fixed: issue with InvalidStateError when using CPURLConnection in IE11.
  • (2f7681f) Fixed: the compiler did not show erorrs on the first line of a file.
  • (13fe318) Fixed: Objective-J now gives an understandable error when the compiler cannot find a protocol in a class declaration.
  • (6f90e76) Fixed: the keyword @ref did not work correctly if the variable was an ivar.


  • (973940f) New: integration of capp_lint in XcodeCapp.
  • (f14add2) New: added option in XcodeCapp for displaying errors in notifications.
  • (4806c52) New: update Cappuccino from XcodeCapp.
  • (b028e62) New: support of objj in XcodeCapp.
  • (148960e) New: XcodeCapp now has an option to select if it becomes active or not when opening the errors & warnings panel.

Bug Fixes:

  • (8f5aa0e) Fixed: XcodeCapp documentation was outdated.


  • (0cc1679) New: nib2cib support for the standard color panel toolbar item.

Bug Fixes:

  • (4a31467) Fixed: CPSegementedControl causes an error in nib2cib.
  • (e7a0e9a) Fixed: “the built in image NSRadioButton is not supported” error.
  • (b28e0d1) Fixed: nib2cib of CPDatePicker would not convert enabled state.
  • (c28da78) Fixed: nib2cib of segmented control would not convert enabled state.


  • (fadffee) New: bootstrap.sh now uses SSL.
  • (febce68) New: don’t run Travis setup quietly to make it easier to track setup errors.
  • (2e015c9) New: Doxygen theme refresh.
  • (6334458) New: CFPropertyList unit tests have been added.
  • (79c2576) New: manual AppKit tests have been added.
  • (9e918cc) New: ability to perform offline bootstraping.
  • (cd19fc7) New: capp_lint is installed with jake install.
  • (02f36a1) New: theme kitchen sink manual test to exercise many themable controls in many states at once.
  • (b028e62) New: options -m, -I, -h added to objj to compile several files.
  • (64a15db) New: when building your application you can now disable the CommonJS build phase by setting the system environement variable IGNORE_ENV_COMMONJS.
  • (ef4cd6a) New: --theme option for capp tool.
  • (06d0357) The Objective-J VIM highlighting has been updated and is similar to the official Objective-C VIM highlighting and the official JavaScript VIM highlighting.
  • (fdc5ed9) New: the configuration files of doxygen have been redesigned. The command jake docset has been added.

Bug Fixes:

  • (fa66c26) Fixed: broken documentation.
  • (23ff035) Fixed: wrong link to install homebrew.
  • (d51f179) Fixed: error when running some XML tests with rhino.
  • (c21d0c6) Fixed: dependency on tusk in jakefile.
  • (372372a) Fixed: capp_lint didn’t handle protocol.
  • (8d7c47a) Remove explicit use of Mac OS X 10.5 SDK, replace with latest OS X in fontinfo.
  • (7958775, 75a4d8a) Fixed: bootstrap.sh didn’t handle specific OpenJDK Runtime Environment version. bootstrap.sh could not filter the OpenJDK version key out correctly.
  • (a822ec7) Fixed: jake did not work in the Cappuccino directory for non-Mac OS X systems.
  • (e155cca) Old CI scripts have been removed from the Tools directory.
  • (c484e4a) NativeHost is no longer built by default.
  • (c3fc6a0) Fixed: the URL of the current release version of Cappuccino was wrong in the documentation.
  • (e40612a) Fixed: in the Jakefile template, the configuration build environment parameter could have multiple values. Now this variable is correctly set by detecting the build environment.
  • (de3eb86) Fixed: some warnings when compiling Cappuccino with rhino.
  • (ee688d9) Fixed: showcase of themes was broken.


  • (1ab1ac2) New: ability to launch a set of tests from a test file.
  • (9bb55a2) New: +setUp and +tearDown methods.
  • (410d9ce) New: print the number of tests launched by OJTest.
  • (080b5b7) New: warnings raised when tests are declared several times.

Bug Fixes:

  • (1f6cc19) Fixed: coverage options for OJTest.

Other Changes

The changes above summarise a few hundred of the most important changes in Cappuccino 0.9.8. You can review the other 700 or so changes in the 0.9.7…0.9.8 compare view.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.7

Release date: 2013-11-28

Cappuccino 0.9.7 introduces Aristo 2, Objective-J 2.0 and over 500 other changes and improvements.

Highlights in this release:

  • Objective-J 2.0: dictionary literals, array literals, pass by reference and protocols.
  • Compiler rewritten from ground up to generate faster than ever Cappuccino application code.
  • Aristo 2 - a new, lighter Cappuccino theme made by Sofa.
  • Native browser copy and paste support.
  • Scalable CPView ('zoom in’ or out within a view and all its subviews).
  • Multiple-value bindings support.
  • Lion style “view based” CPTableView. While Cappuccino already supported view based table views, this new API matches Cocoa’s and allows more convenient table customisation in Interface Builder and easier use of bindings (such as when binding a custom table cell view to a key of the row data).
  • XcodeCapp 3 featuring a much smoother experience with project history, speed and robustness improvements and throughout better UI.
  • CPDatePicker.
  • CPLocale.
  • - CPObject performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:.
  • CPError.
  • CPByteCountFormatter.

Foundation and Core

  • (176440e) New: - CPURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: return nil if CPHTTPRequest failed.
  • (76e9725) New: error on adding CPNotFound to an index set.
  • (75d73d3) New: format object descriptions like object literals.
  • (55ec70c) New: CPError class.
  • (04026c0) New: faster - CPArray objectsAtIndexes: when the array is a native array (up to 6X).
  • (0268f98) New: faster - CPMutableArray removeObjectIdenticalTo: when the array is a native array (up to 10X).
  • (5200f94) New: dictionary literals in Objective-J 2.0.
  • (472848d) New: array literals in Objective-J 2.0.
  • (f4b08a9) New: - CPObject performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and related methods.
  • (34faf36) New: @ref and @deref in Objective-J 2.0.
  • (c550cd7) New: optimise - CPArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:.
  • (ecc1e77) New: added macro/identifier concatenation with the ‘##’ operator.
  • (a373081) New: CFBundle.identifier, CFBundle.bundleWithIdentifier, - CPBundle -bundleWithIdentifier.
  • (fe26e6c) New: + CPException raise:format:.
  • (1f280b3) New: - CPNumberFormatter localizedStringFromNumber:numberStyle:.
  • (bf94dd3) New: KVC setValue:forKey: now automatically unwraps CPValue.
  • (d3a44cb) New: objj_getClassList().
  • (4221acf) New: more fine-grained OBJJ_PROGRESS_CALLBACK calls, allowing smoother progress bars.
  • (42ad40d) New: sort the keys in - CPDictionary description. This makes it easier to find an item in a large dictionary.
  • (d38125d) New: Objective-J protocols supports.
  • (d3ab2a0) New: “//example.com/x” style URL support in CPURL and CFURL.

Bug Fixes:

  • (13fbfb6) Fix to enable the startup loader to continue if dynamically loaded.
  • (23401d3) Fixed: error in function CPDescriptionOfObject when a JSON object property has a null value.
  • (24d6e58) Fixed: CPPredicate TRUEPREDICATE didn’t work.
  • (1f0ab2a) Fixed: bad formatting of negative numbers by CPNumberFormatter.
  • (2371438) Fixed: KVC array removeObjectsInArray:.
  • (b34e24d) Fixed: mutableArrayValueForKey: … removeObjectsInArray should remove all instances of the found objects.
  • (e17253d) Fixed: CPDecimalCompare problems when comparing to zero.
  • (181c4ad) Fixed: support IBOutlet as a synonym to @outlet.
  • (63ae584) Fixed: CPDecimalRound should return a result in all cases.
  • (fc403d6) Fixed: CPString compare: method against nil and CPNull.
  • (f52f118) Fixed: array sort using descriptors involving nil and CPNull.
  • (c437024) Fixed: subclasses of CPMutableArray had broken removeObject:.
  • (6d1c4a9) Fixed: - CPMutableArray removeObjectIdenticalTo: did not remove all instances, was documented incorrectly.
  • (ae2ed8b) Fixed: CPAttributedString problems with empty strings and out of range indexes.
  • (6ee3a39) - CPDictionary setObject:forKey: will log deprecated warning when passing nil object or key.
  • (5312524) Fixed: define navigator.userAgent as another ugly Rhino fix.
  • (7bef84e) Fixed: allow CPDecimal to handle decimal numbers with leading zeros.
  • (7d51a34) Fixed: - CPUndoManager isUndoRegistrationEnabled.
  • (39b49d4) Fixed: CPNumberFormatter formatted @“” wrong.
  • (bd6d2e7) Fixed: CPString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet.
  • (05fa505) Fixed: CPArray did not allow binding to @count.
  • (cc2503a) Fixed: CFBundle.prototype.bundleURL() did not return an absolute URL.
  • (d64ea28) Fixed: - CPBundle bundleWithIdentifier did not create CPBundle when necessary.
  • (ffdee8c) Fixed: [CPExpression isEqual:nil] and [CPPredicate isEqual:nil].
  • (fe79628) Fixed: CGRectFromString made bad CGSizeFromString call.
  • (2290574) Fixed: crash on CPArray/CPDictionary description if a value was the window object.
  • (e59389b) Fixed: crash in CPArray/CPDictionary description containing self referential JS object.
  • (0f53ced) Fixed: comparing a CPNumber vs nil or CPNull didn’t throw an exception.
  • (3419f6f) CPTimer number of seconds interval set to 0.1 if equal to 0.0, like in Cocoa.
  • (f75955b) Fixed: CPNumberFormatter minimum and maximum wrong encoding when set to nil.
  • (df2be92) Fixed: CPNumber numberWithBool: not returning a number.


  • (bafd62d) New: - CPCollectionView draggingViewForItemsAtIndexes:withEvent:offset:.
  • (27cda34) New: improve performance of row and column drag and drop for CPTableView.
  • (67f7649) New: CPTableView with Lion’s view-based API.
  • (4369f4b) New: set CPThemeStateEditable in CPTextField setEditable:.
  • (f4904b8) New: - CPCib initWithContentsOfURL: return nil if the returned data is nil.
  • (7bf5f6f) New: added scrollRectToVisible when CPTokenField becomes first responder.
  • (8b5c0fb) New: CPCollectionView - allow the prototype view to be loaded from a cib.
  • (6561e4f) New: Aristo 2 theme.
  • (4757648) New: CPAlert can be moved now.
  • (edc6244) New: make CPBox themable.
  • (b82225e) New: make CPLevelIndicator themable.
  • (347de2c) New: make CPSplitView themable.
  • (2da0142) New: make find/search/cancel buttons themable.
  • (ce33737) New: make CPBrowser themable.
  • (844ed59) New: CPCursor will now look in the theme to get system cursors.
  • (cebf8d3) New: make standard template images plus, minus and action themable.
  • (f30e846) New: added theme value to set the position of the buttons relative to the type of window.
  • (3b72626) New: added inactive state to window title bar (for windows which are neither key nor main).
  • (348d689) New: close popovers attached to controls in windows which close.
  • (25633f0) New: child window support.
  • (b3bf190) New: reduce the menu sticky interval to 0.4s which improves UX and is more like Cocoa behavior.
  • (8cbfc79) New: makes popover’s background and stroke color (both minimal and HUD style) themable.
  • (18d77ca) New: CPTokenField menu per token support (tokenField:menuForRepresentedObject:).
  • (4680f0f) New: CPGradient initWithStartingColor:endingColor:.
  • (d1ebf8d) New: make CPShadow mutable (e.g. setShadowColor:).
  • (08ad614) New: - CPGradient drawInBezierPath:angle:.
  • (e376f97) New: - CPShadow set.
  • (8b17b52) New: value and isIndeterminate binding support for CPProgressIndicator.
  • (4791973) New: don’t limit max number of rows for collection views if max number of rows is set to 0.
  • (055d43e) New: custom system cursors to use sprited PNG’s for non IE browsers.
  • (1c6d2f7) New: don’t change the platform window’s title unless the Cappuccino window is full platform.
  • (e03622b) New: + CPBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius:.
  • (02b7198) New: action bindings for CPMenuItem.
  • (cd54687) New: when a column header is pressed and is the _editingColumn, make the table view first responder.
  • (92c2ed9) New: table view selectAll: and deselectAll:.
  • (3591ba0) New: CPImageView bindings improvements.
  • (a9952a2) New: CPRadioGroup bindings - selectedValue, selectedTag, selectedIndex, enabled and hidden.
  • (77d2ebb) New: shouldReorderColumn delegate method for CPTableView.
  • (262bd5b) New: use dedicated class, _CPStateMarker, instead of CPString for selection markers.
  • (72c277d) New: CPSegmentedControl segment selection bindings support.
  • (7fab8d9) New: don’t allow views from another window to be next/previouskeyViews.
  • (ab692bb) New: CGContextSetLineDash.
  • (ffbd981) New: - CPBezierPath setLineDash: and getLineDash:.
  • (5868a4c) New: - CPDocumentController documentForWindow and hasEditedDocuments.
  • (1649ea6) New: CPDatePicker.
  • (1649ea6) New: CPLocale.
  • (6ef5b46) New: CPTokenField sends focus and blur notifications.
  • (100f1b0) New: about panel is now constructed in code, rather than in a CIB.
  • (95d4bef) New: - CPColor hueComponent, saturationComponent and brightnessComponent.
  • (7b59ec9) New: allow sheets to have toolbars.
  • (44a8726) New: type check - CPPasteBoard setString:forType: to catch strange bugs earlier.
  • (ad33411) New: CGContextDrawRadialGradient support.
  • (25f54c8) New: CGPathContainsPoint.
  • (a9a0b1c) New: JavaScript clipboard API support for pasting.
  • (93c2762) New: improve CPPopover theamability.
  • (b258b1a) New: appkittagdom_elements now tags with UIDs too. Tagging with UIDs can make it much easier to debug encoding/decoding related bugs where it’s not clear that the right view ended up in the right spot.
  • (5a7c2e5) New: added themable attribute for grid line thickness in table view.
  • (7f08997) New: added themable attribute for divider thickness in table header view.
  • (2183c6d) New: added methods to globally turn off window constraining when resizing the platform window.
  • (fc93190) New: notify when the platform window resizes.
  • (377618d) New: non-editable but selectable text fields can become the first responder.
  • (03acecd) New: selectable text field Select All (Cmd-A, Ctrl-A) support.
  • (638d8de) New: triple-click selectable text field to select all.
  • (648dc6e) New: Edit > Delete menu item support for text fields.
  • (5958220) New: - CPTextField deleteForward:.
  • (08eff6e) New: grey out Edit menu non applicable items for text fields.
  • (8503081) New: shouldExpand/Collapse delegate for CPOutlineView.
  • (ef5f26f) New: added support for scaling in CPView (scaleUnitSquareToSize and setScaleSize).
  • (cf19aef) New: added method selectionIndexesForProposedSelection in CPOutlineView.
  • (ebc1025) New: fill in userInfo for CPTextDidEndEditingNotification.
  • (1cec1b0) New: CPTableView drop view themable.
  • (6a7e0ff) Reworked PatternColor to be a lot smarter, support much more concise expression of images.
  • (abaa1e8) New: support for multiple-value bindings.
  • (a011596) New: CGContext: render any arbitrary drawing to a pattern context and use that as a fill or stroke pattern.
  • (2b23374) New: CPAlert custom didEnd selector or block.

Bug Fixes:

  • (57c8d22) Fixed: CPCollectionView dragging: bug where the dragging view was created from content instead of selection.
  • (5384a9e) Fixed: CPTableView auto-save columns.
  • (9ef9bf9) Fixed: CPFlashView minor bugs.
  • (0582033) Fixed: CPArrayController selection binding failure in retrieving initial selection values.
  • (ada73a1) Fixed: left/right cursors in CPBrowser.
  • (1d1f2d7) Fixed: scrollRectToVisible in CPView.
  • (0892ca1) Fixed: popovers could overlap the menu bar.
  • (21b5ead) Fixed: drag and drop error with CPCollectionView when the collection view is a drop destination but not a source.
  • (f403699) Fixed: bug with content-inset in text field.
  • (f8e7250) Fixed: bug with closable button in CPWindow.
  • (7e502ff) Fixed: sizing bug with CPStepper.
  • (9f85d2b) Fixed: scroll-wheel in FF 3+.
  • (765b106) Fixed: mouse location in key events and copy event.
  • (c5fbeff) Fixed: position of buttons in an alert.
  • (fdbef47) Fixed: popover positioning errors, especially when closing the window from which the popover came.
  • (57b2d73) Fixed: undefined location of key events.
  • (bfb85cc) Fixed: minor visual errors with CPMenu.
  • (49c52a0) Fixed: disappearing token delete button.
  • (0f64616) Fixed: crash in token field autocomplete.
  • (3d9b69a) Fixed: broken corners on primary CPBox in Chrome.
  • (6b0565e) Fixed: CPBox with CPBezelBorder had unexpected inner shadow.
  • (4991913) Fixed: blurry popovers in Chrome.
  • (baa69ff) Fixed: “cannot read property ‘_tokenScrollView’ of null.”
  • (535b8e5) Fixed: orphan token field autocomplete menus.
  • (933a1be) Fixed: - CPWindow setRepresentedFilename: set as a string, not a CPURL.
  • (ab49c63) Fixed: CPArrayController add: adding wrong object, insert: not inserting in right position when there’s a selection.
  • (1f19e02) Fixed: CPWebView scroll-wheel.
  • (5427e9a) Fixed: column drag and drop in the table view.
  • (4ec3b5e) Fixed: add missing isClockwise property to CGPath.
  • (7ab84ca) Fixed: bugs in CGContextCanvas and CGPath.
  • (09b5eef) Fixed: [CPBox setContentView:nil] crash. This is allowed in Cocoa so should not crash Cappuccino either.
  • (a19ec35) Fixed: broken tab view decoded from xib in certain situation.
  • (7c677de) Fixed: bugs in CPColorWithImages and CPImageInBundle.
  • (a011596) Fixed: CGContext fixes/enhancements.
  • (e40138c) Fixed: CPToolbar calls incorrect notification method.
  • (ce7e512) Fixed: CPView removeFromSuperview performance.
  • (84f42bd) Fixed: decoding a CPClipView could result in duplicate subviews.
  • (a736bb4) Fixed: empty content view allowed when resizing a window.
  • (471641c) Fixed: subviews in cib did not receive view(Will/Did)MoveToSuperview:.
  • (2cb3450) Fixed: CGPathEqualToPath did not compare all subpath types.
  • (a6fafcd) Fixed: inadvertent grid lines in token field menu.
  • (ee20038) Fixed: CPWebScriptObject callWebScriptMethod:withArguments:.
  • (b7ff643) Fixed: when clicking and dragging inside a menu, mouseEntered and mouseExited was mixed up for custom views.
  • (62ced17) Fixed: if a menu item had no item, no target, and no action binding, it could still be left enabled after validation.
  • (4605130) Fixed: resizeWithOldSuperviewSize not working like in Cocoa.
  • (11c6b66) Fixed: wrong placeholder string in CPTextField when using bindings.
  • (152fd66) Fixed: reordering table view column with a restriction on a targeted column.
  • (2bf2442) Fixed: using keyboard navigation in empty CPCollectionView threw exception.
  • (ff15f11) Fixed: transient popover windows would close on mouse interaction with certain controls.
  • (6327d8c) Fixed: transient popovers broke modal windows.
  • (59b766e) Fixed: token field autocomplete menu not receiving mouse events in presence of modal window.
  • (5f086b1) Fixed: a platform window could be resized by clicking just under the menu bar and dragging downwards, even that platform windows are supposed to be the size of the browser window by definition.
  • (2dca00c) Fixed: sheets could be resized from the top.
  • (f208ff5) Fixed: attached sheet shadow had extra width, was too dark.
  • (17f9304) Fixed: sheet animation was resizing the sheet to zero, causing problems.
  • (3af2314) Fixed: sheets resizing incorrectly.
  • (6c80d1f) Fixed: resizeWithOldSuperviewSize did not maintain size ratio.
  • (4450455) Fixed: frame/bounds change notification sent needlessly.
  • (bbfaac5) Fixed: windows were allowed to extend beyond the usable screen content.
  • (481f7c6) Fixed: browser would scroll text fields into view when they focused.
  • (50ca0d4) Fixed: menubar title was set to document title.
  • (677124d) Fixed: another tab view decoding error.
  • (8d54c01) Fixed: menus not closing on left click.
  • (843e501) Fixed: modal sheet would appear briefly before animation.
  • (92fb9ea) Fixed: if a sheet’s parent window frame was changed, the sheet did not reposition.
  • (2dd7ba6) Fixed: sheet top shadow would not adjust when parent window was resized.
  • (25d5441) Fixed: sheet opening animation was not cleaned up when sheet immediately closed.
  • (3301754) Fixed: a sheet’s parent window did not become main.
  • (7df34cc) Fixed: windows with sheets were filtering mouse move events.
  • (1e98c66) Fixed: under some circumstances, blur function could be called with no CPTextFieldInputOwner set.
  • (facd97c) Fixed: if orderOut: was not called for a popover, it would not detach from its parent.
  • (dc96b38) Fixed: popovers were not constrained to the usable content frame.
  • (03b6634) Fixed: couldn’t set the first responder of a sheet.
  • (35dd35d) Fixed: array controller failed to recognize row 0 as the insert location.
  • (6dc9aa8) Fixed: eliminated duplicate CPThemeStateSelectedTableDataView.
  • (7225e7e) Fixed: deprecate -tableView:dataViewForTableColumn:row: and -outlineView:dataViewForTableColumn:item:
  • (33858cf) Fixed: incorrect table column highlighting and row selection after column sort.
  • (720b61f) Fixed: close pull down menu on second click on its button.
  • (fd20a80) Fixed: table view selection color did not change when losing focus.
  • (b36f8d7) Fixed: unfocused selection highlight in table upside down.
  • (efdf0a6) Fixed: when editing a table cell, the row lost focus.
  • (afc2c17) Fixed: highlighted table cells with CPTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone had white text.
  • (3178f0b) Fixed: CPDocumentController missing method currentDocument.
  • (3ef5cfe) Fixed: infinite loop when a first responder has a nil superview.
  • (6d0caac) Fixed: setAnimates: on a popover would only be applied after closing/reopening the popover.
  • (aa0602d) Fixed: fix a memory leak in _CPImageAndTextView.j.
  • (c6a59d7) Fixed: CPMenuBar theming.
  • (59d1da7) Fixed: setting CPNullPlaceholderBindingOption in binding was setting the actual value of a text field instead of just its placeholder.
  • (71cc825) Fixed: CPMenu ghosts after many right clicks.
  • (cc9ff15) Fixed: if a menu was dismissed with and item highlighted, and then the item was used in another menu (e.g., re-added to a context menu for a table row) it would appear highlighted, even though the menu highlight index was not set.
  • (6e2dcd5) Fixed: delegate method fires twice when using keyboard to select rows in table view.
  • (40579b5) Fixed: parameter range of CPColor colorWithHue:saturation:brightness: were in degrees and percent rather than factors.
  • (4e1a141) Fixed: - CPColor hsbComponents range.
  • (d00846a) Fixed: CPColor colorWithHue:saturation:brightness: parameters not clamped.
  • (70b5105) Fixed: CPColor colorWithHue:saturation:brightness: returning undefined.
  • (056a00e) Fixed: CPComboBox popupList should close if mouse is clicked outside of the control.
  • (81a61c1) Fixed: trying to open a CPPopover in a secondary platform window opened in the main window.
  • (6bd9a08) Fixed: CPAlert always shows on main platform window.
  • (a38d6c1) Fixed: tooltips always showing in primary platform window.
  • (3e268a8) Fixed: outline view disclosure button not always becoming selected when its row was.
  • (2e93e4a) Fixed: sheets not appearing underneath toolbar if one was present.
  • (eacc527) Fixed: tooltips not always showing.
  • (9ffa184) Fixed: IE8/9 drawing errors for negative size views.
  • (6701117) Fixed: [pasteboard declareTypes:...owner:nil] would emit a warning.
  • (5e0793c) Fixed: fixed small init bug in CPBezierPath.
  • (de4e28b) Fixed: fixed bug with linear gradient when drawing it without CPGradient.
  • (b5df5f7) Fixed: CGPath wrong when creating an arc.
  • (8d7e2f9) Fixed: CPCollectionView range bounds exception if shift key was held for first selection.
  • (3b48aaf) Fixed: table view removeTableColumn: did not remove column from tableColumns array.
  • (8bf2118) Fixed: selection possible in a tableView without any columns.
  • (2cbc4d9) Fixed: CPWindows contentView “Autoresizes Subviews” set in Cib not honoured.
  • (22dcacd) Fixed: remove non-standard CPDocument API “firstEligibleExistingWindowController”.
  • (198857e) Fixed: copying from a CPTextField would not actually put the string value in the Cappuccino pasteboard.
  • (f318759) Fixed: menu items becoming permanently disabled, breaking e.g. Select All.
  • (6ef776e) Fixed: - CPView nextValidKeyView infinite loop.
  • (e7ecd92) Fixed: custom CPWindow subclasses breaking flatten.
  • (d61d4eb) Fixed: -CPImage initWithContentsOfFile:nil created broken image.
  • (54d13c8) Fixed: CPImageView‘s _DOMImageElement was not created during initWithCoder.
  • (64f962e) Fixed: viewDidHide and viewDidUnhide were not called when a view was being added to/removed from hidden ancestor.
  • (7788435) Fixed: CPTextField would not become/resign key responder when first responder and unhidden/hidden.
  • (650bc77) Fixed: number formatter was called twice for every setObjectValue.
  • (27165db) Fixed: menu items would not obey enabled bindings for auto-enabling menus.
  • (5b62773) Fixed: off-by-one in row calculation caused drawing problems with variable-height rows in CPTableView.
  • (d8281a6) Simplified the overlay scroller test.
  • (b49a872) Fixed: IE could scroll entire app to the left.
  • (e61b678) Fixed: crash when the autocomplete menu of a token field is visible while one of the superviews is removed.
  • (3c2a2f3) Fixed: resizing a window did not attempt to maintain a minimum margin on screen.
  • (6bec406) Fixed: window width was not constrained when platform window was resized.
  • (d751fea) Fixed: constraining window’s to the screen did not respect a window’s minSize.
  • (8d47b3f) Fixed: CGContextAddArc would fail if the path was empty.
  • (4b4ac5d) Fixed: certain actions could edit a non-editable text field.
  • (a90180a) Fixed: - CPTextField copy: only worked for editable text fields.
  • (0e7b592) Fixed: certain editing actions were allowed for disabled text fields.
  • (2065c7f) Fixed: CPTextField deleteBackward: left 1 character.
  • (ec4b348) Fixed: a disabled CPMenuItem could still have a selected background.
  • (58d5d7d) Fixed: selectable text deselected when a menu was clicked.
  • (376b3a4) Fixed: copy and paste by Cappuccino Edit menu not working.
  • (9d43a55) Fixed: - CPTextField deleteBackward: required a selection.
  • (0b5a98d) Fixed: lineBreakMode set to CPLineBreakByTruncating* was trimming consecutive white spaces.
  • (016c267) Fixed: order of deletegate messages from CPTableView.
  • (2df13b7) Fixed: CPComboBox not reacting correctly when its menu scroll bar was clicked.
  • (0afc903) Fixed: delegate method shouldSelectItem in CPOutlineView.
  • (c22f489) Fixed: shouldSelectTableColumn not called by CPTableView and CPOutlineView.
  • (d1406e1) Fixed: editing text fields could clobber the changes made in one window with those made in another.
  • (ff06737) Fixed: fix first responder assignment when pressing a table view header column.
  • (e058d2e) Fixed: double clicking something to open/close a sheet.
  • (aeb42ea) New: CPByteCountFormatter, a complete implementation of NSByteCountFormatter.


  • (5a99011) New: support for CPView identifier property.
  • (c2cad3c) New: NSNib support. NSNib are represented as data inside nib files.
  • (2bd5696) New: info message when converting NSTableCellView nib to plist.
  • (744f3d7) New: allow CPCheckBox and CPRadio to have themed height and adjusts it correctly.
  • (7ff8bda) New: CPDictionaryController initial commit.
  • (4188b27) New: move special per class nib2cib processing to the classes themselves in awakeFromNib. Having class specific code in the class makes more sense, and this will make it easier to add more class specific transformations.
  • (d9117bd) New: enable use of image resources from frameworks, not just main bundle resources folder.
  • (0bbaec0) New: CPDateFormatter and CPTimeZone support.
  • (9cb2c75) New: –no-colors option for nib2cib.
  • (0b7e92a) New: better logging of image bundle info in nib2cib.
  • (a63bb15) New: nib2cib gives a more helpful message when unsupported classes are encountered.
  • (72169e5) New: nib2cib support for runtime attributes of point, size, rect and range types.

Bug Fixes:

  • (a5e62ed) Fixed: NSMenu autoEnablesItems was not supported.
  • (fa70827) Fixed: normal, small and mini label placement.
  • (da47161) Fixed: nib2cib error on case sensitive filesystems.
  • (3239337) Fixed: CPScroller orientation import.
  • (1cb8844) Fixed: custom NSBoxes placed in Xcode became smaller in Cappuccino.
  • (f805b6b) Fixed: CPTabView decoding causing tab selection errors.
  • (5fac631) Fixed: minimum/maximum support for CPNumberFormatter.
  • (8055808) Fixed: table view cells with custom font/color did not change properly when selected.
  • (2f71b8d) Fixed: handling of custom styled table text cells.
  • (d654562) Fixed: import of CPComboBox enabled state.
  • (7154252) Fixed: import of CPTextField enabled state.
  • (9d69ec7) Fixed: size of table view corner view.
  • (083310c) Fixed: nib2cib did not allow xibs or images to be in subdirectories of Resources.


  • (606205b) New: XcodeCapp 3, retina ready, notification center support, new icons, speed improvements throughout and many new features.
  • (628a4db) New: improved error reporting from XcodeCapp.
  • (5a558a9) New: eliminated the “SomethingElse” framework that no one actually removes.
  • (238b6c8) New: modernize index[-debug].html, IE 9+ now run in edge mode.
  • (9e7346f) New: new index.html with loading progress by default.

Bug Fixes:

  • (229e43f) Fixed: fix build path when $CAPP_BUILD not defined.
  • (450081e) Fixed: 'cannot run program “ulimit”’ error.
  • (9c0c87d) Remove some of the more nonsensical main menu items in the NibApplication template.
  • (e10ce7a) Improve bootstrap.sh compatibility with ZSH.
  • (054421c) Fixed: crash with Rhino in fontinfo due to missing import.

Other Changes

The changes above summarise a few hundred of the most important changes in Cappuccino 0.9.7. You can review the other 1000 or so changes in the 0.9.6…0.9.7 compare view.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.6

Release date: 2013-01-20

Everything that was new in RC1 and RC2 and the following:

Foundation and Core

  • (4684856) New: improve describe format of CPDictionary and CPArray to be more like literals. E.g. a dictionary is expressed as @{key1: value1}, an array like @[value2, value2], a string like @“”.
  • (eb2bb24) New: added support for CPNumberFormatterPercentStyle in CPNumberFormatter.
  • (797bfee) New: implement CPPointInRect. This improves source code compatibility with Cocoa when replacing NS with CP.
  • (7485c4e) New: -CPHTTPURLResponse allHeaderFields. When a CPURLConnection response is of the CPHTTPURLResponse type, the raw HTTP headers can now be retrieved through the allHeaderFields message.
  • (821961f) New: argument check CPIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:. Without this check, an index set could be initialised with NaN which would later lead to an infinite loop when enumerating the index set. This error makes the error early and explicit.

Bug Fixes:

  • (77955f4) Fixed: setTimeout(f) did not work for some JS libraries such as PDF.js when running in a Cappuccino context.
  • (8e16e62) Fixed: fix a bug where CPURL was not encoding self.baseURL and self.string.


  • (f535a6a) New: minor CPTabView optimisation.
  • (b577644) New: significantly optimise CPToolbar validation.
  • (7264692) New: optimise CPSegmentedButton setEnabled:forSegment:.
  • (632fba9) New: null check when laying out columns in CPTableView.
  • (a337bc2) New: reduce number of divs used by typical apps by something like 2.7%.
  • (3fd8d3e) New: - CPTableView clickedColumn.
  • (a70bc7d) New: “Creates Sort Descriptors” CPTableColumn value binding option. With this option an array controller driven table view can be sorted by clicking the table column headers without manually setting up sort descriptor prototypes.
  • (adb6404) New: support Cib/Interface Builder window positioning masks. This adds support for all “initial position” window masks in Interface Builder except “centre”. Position can be specified in current screen space coordinates and then adjusted proportionally to the browser size, or adjusted while preserving a left or right margin and a top or bottom margin.
  • (7c56ea4) New: skeleton CPColor colorUsingColorSpaceName:.
  • (e530831) New: + CPFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:.
  • (fd138cf) New: - CPBox setTitleFont: support.
  • (ca4e034) New: - CPBezierPath appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint:toPoint:radius: and CGPathAddArcToPoint.
  • (9c2cb39) New: CGContextIsPathEmpty for non-canvas based platforms.
  • (eba3e95) New: - CPBezierPath controlPointBounds and CGPathGetBoundingBox.
  • (23adbd4) New: improve tooltips API and avoid some sticky tooltips.
  • (391701f) New: - CPBezierPath addClip and setClip. This enables e.g. a CPGradient to be drawn clipped by an arbitrary bezier path.
  • (4bedd52) New: CPGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState and restoreGraphicsState.
  • (fb155de) New: allow non-string tooltips. Technically the tooltip should be a CPString but if a date or a number is passed this will now work without a crash.
  • (c3c61e1) New: - CPBox titleView.
  • (a1751cc) New: improve popover’s content view resizing.
  • (ba33803) New: improve CPPopover’s popoverDidShow: timing.
  • (9ebc787) New: improve CPTokenField token spacing.
  • (b97a076) New: CPStepper bindings support for CPValueBinding, CPMinValueBinding, CPMaxValueBinding. Placehoders defaults are minValue, minValue, maxValue.
  • New: popover animation support in Firefox, Opera and IE10.
  • (c2bf47e) New: support CPThemeStateEditable for text fields.
  • (bd1f64b) New: only show token delete button on hover, and only when token field is editable. Before this change the close button showed at all times, even for token fields which weren’t even editable. This change brings us closer to Cocoa in that there’s no token delete button most of the time, and just like in Cocoa there are more controls available on hover. (Although in Cocoa there’s a disclosure arrow and we have a close button instead.).
  • (deb6224) New: support for resizing windows on all sides.
  • (76a4ded) New: CPBrowserStyleProperty for getting browser specific CSS and JS names.
  • (b59f96d) New: key view loop enhancements:
    • Nested views are now handled recursively as they are in Cocoa.
    • If there is no first responder and no initial first responder when a window first becomes key, use the first valid key view, not the first geometric key view.
    • Cocoa calculates the key view loop for nibs that do not have one, but does not call recalculateKeyViewLoop.

Bug Fixes:

  • (ff93262) Fixed: work around rendering bugs in WebKit when moving canvas backed views. This bug would cause errors such as the subviews of a CPBox not drawing properly as the box moved.
  • (b33763c) Fixed: popovers could only properly open relative to views in the main window.
  • (0e68729) Fixed: dragged table view columns ignored custom column header views.
  • (2355b7a) Fixes #1666: since 5763ebd extremely slow double clicks would be accepted.
  • (31d5ddb) Fixed: improve CPStepper graphics.
    • Disabled CPStepper looked larger than the regular stepper due to the outline becoming white.
    • Wrong pixels at bottom corners.
  • (ee1c547) Fixed: frame of CPScrollView was calculated incorrectly.
  • (04f650d) Fixed: windows selection compatibility. Fix for issue 1390.
  • (0a18990) Fixed: notify CPOutlineView delegate that item did collapse after reloading them.
  • (905d23d) Fixed: small graphical fix in CPPredicateEditor.
  • (c37783c) Fixed: fixed table column header styling.
  • (da91ab9) Fixed: implicitly set selectionIndexes. CPTableView‘s selectionIndexes binding shouldn’t be set automatically unless the content binding was also set automatically (through a table column binding). Assume that manual content binding implies a desire to manually bind selection indexes (and sort descriptors) as well.
  • (0f5d459) Fixed: collection view crash on unepexted drag events.
  • (90d2713) Fixed: relative URLs were deemed to fail the SOP test by web views.
  • (0d9973a) Fixed: out of place table headers and other text positioning errors.
  • (0fa499b) Place CPAlerts above popovers.
  • (f1c6a8b) Fixed: Error: Permission denied to access property '_childAppIsStarting' in Firefox. This error would occur when running an app in an iframe which could not access its parent frame.
  • (7fab752) Fixed: text field responder error when using a formatter. If the formatter rejected a change and prevented the first responder status from being surrendered, the text field would still stop listening to key window changes and break first responder behaviour when switching between windows.
  • (074e9f7) Fixed: incorrect - CPWindow contentRectForFrameRect: and frameRectForContentRect: for borderless windows with toolbars.
  • (2758454) Fixed: tab views added in IB didn’t resize properly. IB sets autoresizesSubviews to NO for tab views by default. In Cocoa this doesn’t make any difference because NSTabView ignores this setting. This fix makes it so that Cappuccino’s tab view also works with autoresizesSubviews off.
  • (fd3ad76) Fixed: after tabbing to a token field it’d immediately lose first responder status.
  • (256d363) Fixed: token fields lost first responder status when switching between windows.
  • (e2f8d77) Fixed: white line when scrolling between tokens.
  • (4ef5dc8) Fixed: token field autocomplete menu placed incorrectly.
  • (ce9534c) Fixed: canBecomeKeyWindow response for auxiliary windows. Without this fix Cappuccino always returned YES for canBecomeKeyWindow for every window. But in Cocoa, only “standard” windows with a title bar and/or resizing return YES. With this fix Cappuccino better matches Cocoa’s behaviour.
  • (9035439) Fixed: token field first responder flicker when clicking tokens.
  • (d27e333) Fixed: tokens could be deleted in an non editable token field.
  • (095858d) Fixed: token field autocomplete scrollbars unresponsive to mouse.
  • (0781a41) Fixed: popoverDidShow in Firefox.
  • (eed37a0) Fixed: if any token field was being edited, the object value of all other token fields contained the partial value.
  • (252b8f5) Fixed: [CPApp windows] contained nil.
  • (cea1209) Fixed: CPAlert sheet crash.
  • (3775c3f) Fixed: CPAlert was a CPView.
  • (deacdde) Fixed: CPSegmentedControl not reducing its size when removing segments.
  • (782f47a) Fixed: key view loop fixes/improvements
    • - CPWindow setInitialFirstResponder now works reliably and follows Cocoa behavior in that if -makeFirstResponder is called with something other than the window before the window is first shown, it will override the initial first responder.
    • Like Cocoa, until the first responder is set during window load, the first responder is the window by default, not the content view.
    • Optimized search for any view that has a previous/next key view set.
    • - CPWindow autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop now behaves per Cocoa, it only has an effect when views are added or removed.
    • If the first responder does not have a valid previous/next key view, it does not resign to nil, per Cocoa behavior.
  • (cdc88db) CPTextField will no longer lose focus unnecessarily.
  • (8d68e80) Fix - CPWindow canBecomeKeyWindow and -canBecomeMainWindow to match Cocoa behavior (and misleading documentation).


  • (7dd034e) New: nib2cib will now adjust to the correct themed height for subclasses of CPButton. For examples CPPopUpButton can get another height then CPButton.

Bug Fixes:

  • (4e6b997) Fixed: adjust size in NSStepper to CPStepper.
  • (3dacb4a) Fixed: fix nib2cib alignment ofCPColorWell, CPComboBox, CPPopUpButton and CPSegmentedControl.
  • (8ff2a32) Fixed: fix tag reading from IB Both controls and cells can have tags in IB, but Cappuccino has no cells. If the control has a tag, that takes precedence. Tag reading was moved to NSControl from NSView, since NSView does not have a tag in Cocoa.
  • (8819fd5) Fixed: improve nib2cib support for NSMatrix based radio groups. Without this fix, a matrix with a target-action pair would crash when the cib was loaded due to the matrix having been replaced with a CPView (which cannot take a target-action pair). Now if the matrix is for radio buttons, the action connection for the matrix is made to the CPRadioGroup instead and works as expected when radio selections are made.


  • (3ccaa4d) New: button types can be set in IB, no need for code.
  • (7bf46cb) New: add support for disabling sudo action in jake with CAPP_NOSUDO=1.
  • (a24f33a) New: add .travis.yml for Travis-CI support.
  • (7070fe9) New: --quiet and --verbose bootstrap.sh options.

Bug Fixes:

  • (b28673d) Fixed: eliminate some debug output from jake test runs.
  • (c30a6fb) Improve XcodeCapp support for custom class inheritance.
  • (4acda0c) Fixed: fix and update css for documentation when using doxygen 1.8.
  • (0f9a2dc) XcodeCapp support for zsh.

Other Changes

d1c9786, acd98b5, d0fa16b, 63bad1d, bf3a152, 48e797a, e4a6d85, 2f428fa, 2e7afc3, df28a46, ad5b9b6, a7b40a5, d4b0e2a, 117d946, c8a37b4, 02a885e, 59ad849, 8a59235, 90d52a8, 95246d7, d718c29, ce167cf, 1edcc51, e46cd14, c2da96e, b629b88, 084e0a3, a973be2, 6c265fe, c896101, 8a39561, 6bc8ad0, 632e226, 2236e7d, 9d4e816, da01d3a, 282e966, 2611e86, f5bb8ab, 947b116, 8ec1325, e2f19c3, 7b2464a, 1ebdd8e, d82da5d, a202cfb, 2a11bdb, 9705f1f, 787dd10, dcdcd8e, 0d31f79, d072f17, 3e65178, f1a171a, 002c49b, 964f3fe, 45ad537, a9be167, c81b8fb, 32eafb7, 50031db, 19f668f, 6284f29, 40ab25d, 29fe631, 295eedc, 110bd20, 1f8306d, 6e3f822, 18f8294, 71f502a, 23817a0, 95511b5, 7fdc3ab, 0e82504, 4021eae, 7de4fe7, c9434ec, 2b1b1ea, 848c893, af2e034

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.6 (RC2)

Release date: 2012-08-22

Foundation and Core

  • New: CFURL.createCopyDeletingLastPathComponent.
  • New: CPURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent.
  • New: CFData.bytes() and CFData.base64().
  • New: CPData +dataWithBytes and CPData +dataWithBase64:.
  • New: CPString pathWithComponents:, stringByAppendingPathComponent:, and stringByAppendingPathExtension:.
  • New: CPArray and CPDictionary descriptions now attempt to describe JavaScript member objects in more detail than just [Object object].
  • CPMutableArray sortUsingDescriptors: optimised.
  • Improved documentation for CPArray, CPString.
  • New: CPArray indexesOfObjectPassingTest:.
  • New: CPIndexSet indexPassingTest:, indexesPassingTest:, indexWithOptions:passingTest:, indexesWithOptions:passingTest:, indexInRange:options:passingTest: and indexesInRange:options:passingTest:.
  • Reimplement CPGeometry using CGGeometry since they are equivalent in Objective-J.
  • New: CPDictionary keysOfEntriesPassingTest:, keysOfEntriesWithOptions:passingTest: and keysSortedByValueUsingComparator:.
  • New: CPDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:.
  • New: CGInsetMakeInvertedCopy.
  • New: CPUndoManager posts CPUndoManagerDidCloseUndoGroupNotification.
  • CFData base64 encoding optimised.
  • New: CPNumberFormatter setMinimumFractionDigits: support.
  • New: very basic CPNumberFormatter currency style.
  • New: CPNumberFormatter generatesDecimalNumbers support, enabled by default.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: a CPURLRequest created without using the designated initialiser wouldn’t work.
  • Fixed #1512: patch for rhino-narwhal to add JAVA_OPTS support when running Cappuccino utilities through rhino. This generally improves configurability for special cases, and specifically enables a work around for the failed to map segment from shared object error on some platforms.
  • Fixed #1529: incorrect CPDecimalNumber result for 220000/220. In general divisions where the quotient had fewer digits than the dividend when disregarding exponent would fail.
  • Fixed: LOG global function.
  • Fixed: CPString path methods should collect // into /.
  • Fixed: main bundle URL missing final / when running in CommonJS.
  • Fixed: CPDateReferenceDate should be 'Jan 1 2001’ instead of ‘Feb 1 2001’
  • Match CPDate distantPast and distantFuture with Cocoa.
  • Fixed: removed redundant CPCopyRange function.
  • Fixed: incorrect change information sent to observers when the top level object of an observed key path changes.
  • Fixed: crash if an observer was set between willChange… / didChange….
  • Fixed #1624: CPNumberFormatter grouping was wrong.
  • Fixed: CPNumberFormatter grouping separator support. perMillSymbol was incorrectly used as the grouping separator.
  • Fixed: CPSet used identity checks, not Objective-J equality checks.
  • Fixed: CPArray should throw an exception when observer is added/removed.
  • Fixed: CPSet removeObject: for an object not a member is not an error.
  • Properly allow CPNumberFormatter to operate on most CPNumber types. This only worked by accident before.
  • Correct CPNumberFormatter maximumFractionalDigits default.
  • Fix CPNumberFormatter maximum fraction digits property name.
  • Extend CPNumberFormatter CPCoding support and fix rounding default.
  • Fixed: CPDecimal would not accept strings such as ‘.003’ or ‘-.003’ (no integer component).


  • Much improved support for sheets in general and modal sheets in particular (doc-modal).
  • Better animation of sheet shadow when the sheet animates in our out.
  • CPPredicateEditor improvements. Bindings compatibility.
  • Raise an exception if a view is added to itself as a subview.
  • New: + (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversOf<Key> support.
  • If showRelativeToRect: is called while a popover is closing, it is ignored.
  • If showRelativeToRect: is called when the popover is already open the existing popover is repositioned.
  • Close all popovers when a window is closed.
  • New: CGInsetUnion and CGInsetDifference.
  • New: small progress indicator spinners.
  • New: CPImageView CPValueURLBinding and CPValuePathBinding read-only support.
  • New: hold down the option key while expanding an outline view item to expand all children as well.
  • New: CPImageView CPImageScaleProportionallyUpOrDown.
  • New: CPSplitView adjustSubviews.
  • Archive CPView tooltips.
  • The parent window of a sheet can be moved.
  • New: CPWindow sheet delegate messages.
  • New: CPImage -initWithData:.
  • New: CPImageView support for CPDataBinding.
  • New: CPTableView themed attribute for round rect selection of rows. Selections in the tableview can now have round corners. The default is a regular rect.
  • New: CPTableView content binding (especially useful for Lion style view-based tables.)
  • New: CPImage data. If the image was not initialised using data but the browser supports canvas, data is generated.
  • Improve toolbar item layout. The height of all items is determined by the tallest item. If a toolbar item has a small view or a small icon, it is now centred within the available space above the label. For example, for a tiny icon in one item next to a normal size icon the tiny icon would be centre aligned with the larger icon.
  • New: toolbar CPToolbarDisplayModeIconOnly support.
  • New: toolbar support for tall custom widgets. You can now finally have that CPTableView you always wanted in your toolbar.
  • New: toolbar “labels only” mode.
  • Use any size toolbar icons such as 48x48 and the toolbar adapts automatically (unlike Cocoa).
  • Improved artwork for button bars (switch odd blue colour for a more standard white).
  • New: CPTokenField delegate method tokenField:representedObjectForEditingString:. This improves support for represented objects and is used both when an autocompletion suggestion is used or when the name of a token is typed in by hand.
  • Place token autocomplete underneath what’s being completed.
  • Autosize token field autocomplete menu. The new menu is much more efficient for the user:
    • Less tall items makes it much easier to select among many completions.
    • Exactly wide enough for widest item.
    • Tall enough to show all items (instead of just 3 as before).
    • Uses a maximum width and height defined by the screen edges and some Cocoa-like constants.
  • Improve token field subclassing support. Token field now triggers autocompletion from textDidChange: which better meets the expectations of Cappuccino programmers. Eliminated custom non-Cappuccino key press handler.
  • New: CPTokenField keyUp: support.
  • New: key bindings support for token field. Also improve compatibility with CPTextField superclass and subclassing support by properly using interpretKeyEvents: like CPTextField.
  • Allow token field subclasses to override defaultCompletionDelay.
  • Allow token field insertText: to be somewhat overridden. If insertText: is overridden to do nothing, nothing in inserted.
  • Overwrite selected tokens by typing.
  • New: CPArrayController removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndex:.
  • New: select all support for CPTokenField.
  • Improve token field keyboard navigation when tokens are selected.
  • New: many more CPButton types, highlightsBy and showsStateBy support, including for subclasses (CPCheckBox and CPRadio) when appropriate. All button types now supported:
    • CPPushOnPushOffButton
    • CPToggleButton
    • CPMomentaryChangeButton
    • CPOnOffButton
    • CPMomentaryPushInButton
    • CPMomentaryPushButton
    • CPMomentaryLight
  • New: full CPPopUpButton bindings support.
  • New: CPToolbar autovalidate support.
  • New: CPSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification notification userInfo now contains the divider index.
  • New: CPComboBox.
  • Better focus ring for CPTextField and all subclasses, and improved drawing of disabled contents.
  • New: themable CPColorWell with Aristo look. Highlighted and disabled visuals.
  • Standardise CPColorWell‘s mouse handling and highlighting. Switch to setNeedsLayout based drawing.
  • New: CGRectInsetByInset.
  • New: the system font can now be changed at runtime, even for archived UI (e.g. through nib2cib.) There is no need to recompile if the system font is changed in Info.plist.
  • New: CPControl now archives its formatter. This allows you to use a formatter with a table column’s data view.
  • New: a font of size 0 now uses the current system font size.
  • New: CPFontManager setSelectedFont:isMultiple: and other basic properties.
  • New: CPFontManager convertFont:, convertFont:toHaveTrait: and addFontTrait:.
  • New: CPFontManager weightOfFont: and traitsOfFont:.
  • New: CPFontManager convertFont:toFace:.
  • New: notify when a CPTableView column moves through CPTableViewColumnDidMoveNotification and the delegate.
  • New: +CPEvent modifierFlags.
  • New: CPEvent description.
  • New: CPViewController isViewLoaded.
  • New: inactive windows (windows which are not the key window) now have a greyed out window title.
  • Improve CPTokenField, CPView, CPTableColumn and CPWindow documentation.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: attempt to close a sheet while it is animating is now handled.
  • Fixed: in Safari 5.1 sheets would sometimes not correctly order out.
  • Fixed #1279: CPRuleEditor was not compatible with Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9.
  • Fixed: CPRuleEditor would not scroll properly in a scroll view as more rules were added.
  • Fixed: CPTabView item selection could not be fully disabled through the delegate.
  • Fixed #1457: clicking CPPopUpButton then dragging to an item and releasing the mouse button did not select the item.
  • Fixed cases where a CPMenu would not close after certain mouse interactions.
  • Fixed: check box binding value transformers were ignored.
  • Fixed: reverse value transformations were not applied for table view bindings.
  • Fixed: CPPopover close consulted the delegate’s popoverShouldClose.
  • Fixed: infinite loop with empty collection in @min, @max and @sum operators.
  • Fixed: return valueForUndefinedKey: value properly for KVC.
  • Fixed: CPSet valueForKeyPath: returned incorrect results in some cases.
  • Fixed: CPTextField did not send CPControlTextDidEndEditingNotification if editing had not started, contrary to Cocoa.
  • Fixed #1433: more initial key view loop calculations.
  • Fixed: flashing CPTextField insertion point when text field becomes the first responder.
  • Fixed: when bindings were applied in reverse, the source of the binding would cause the destination to needlessly update again, causing e.g. the CPTextField cursor to jump to the end after every character typed when continuouslyUpdatesValue was on.
  • Fixed: table view highlighting drawing bug.
  • Fixed: table view infinite loop when finishing cell editing.
  • Fixed: CPEvent timeStamp did not return seconds since startup.
  • Fixed: don’t crash when removing objects from an array controller which has its arrangedObjects.@count observed.
  • Fixed: a collection view wouldn’t become the first responder when its items were clicked.
  • Fixed #1485: CPScroller decoding bugs which would lead to errors such as CPInvalidArgumentException: CPScroller does not contain theme attribute 'scroller-width'.
  • Fixed: timestamp for CPEvents from periodic events.
  • Fixed: menu item highlighting error.
  • Fixed #1491: CPInvalidArgumentException: - [_CPMenuBarWindow scrollByDelta:] unrecognized selector sent to instance when attempting to scroll in a menu.
  • Fixed: collection views cleared their selection whenever the content was changed.
  • Fixed: CPPredicateEditor Display value must be… exception in recent revisions.
  • Fixed: CPOutlineView setMenu: was not effective.
  • Raise an error on attempt to add a new sheet to a window which already has one, or to a window which is a sheet.
  • Fixed: sheets would order out without an explicit orderOut: message, unlike Cocoa.
  • Fixed: CPProgressIndicator encoder wasted space and caused errors. The errors would cause exceptions such as Not allowed to load local resource: file:///<some local path from the machine that ran nib2cib> when loading cib driven app through a web server.
  • Fixed: CPPopover typo (setBehaviour: -> setBehavior:).
  • Fixed: CPTextField delegate method control:didFailToFormatString:errorDescription: did not actually send a string.
  • Fixed: CPTableView bug where dragged rows didn’t have their bindings applied.
  • Fixed: when a CPPopover closes implicitly, popoverShouldClose delegate method should be checked.
  • Added a very hacky workaround for the jittery resize bug in WebKit.
  • Fixed: CGSizeFromString and CGPointFromString would try to parse only integer values.
  • Fixed: shared CPDocumentController instantiation.
  • Fixed: window.status access when not running in the browser by CPApplication.
  • Fixed: CPOutlineView disclosure control width was hardcoded.
  • Fixed: CPMenu highlights wouldn’t always disappear.
  • Fixed: CPTableView selectedColumn.
  • Fixed: CPButton’s “dim image when disabled” should be on by default.
  • Fixed: token field auto completions. Auto completions are strings, not represented objects.
  • Improve CPTokenField autocomplete scrolling.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField autocomplete menu could show up underneath other windows.
  • Fixed: make sure autocomplete menu fits within browser.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField keyDown: handling. Previous nonstand implementation interacted poorly with Cappuccino’s event handling and subclasses.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField object value for half finished tokens. Try to convert to a representedObject before responding to objectValue.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField nil representedObjectForEditingString: handling. If tokenField: representedObjectForEditingString: returns nil, act the same as if the delegate method didn’t exist.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField token layout when tokens are selected.
  • Fixed: browser shortcuts wouldn’t work when a CPTokenField was active.
  • Fixed: evaluation of whether a document based application needs an untitled document on startup.
  • Fixed: CPToolbar delegate method toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: is optional. This fix makes it possible for a cib-defined toolbar to have a delegate set without defining toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:. You might be implementing other delegate methods.
  • Fixed: CPPredicateEditor CPTextField action bug.
  • Fixed: non-bordered buttons should retain their size, not shrink to fit.
  • Fixed #1559: many edge cases of split view autosaving and restoration, including deeply nested split views. This fix also makes it easier to override autosave restores in a subclass or a controller’s viewDidLoad.
  • Implement CPWindowController setViewControllerContainerView: and fix CPWindowController setViewControllerView:.
  • Use theme system for CPColorWell bordered state. This is more consistent with the rest of Cappuccino and prepares for theming support.
  • Fix CPColorPanel errors.
  • Fix clipping of text due to fractional pixels.
  • CPGeometry moved to Foundation.
  • CPRuleEditor fixes regarding format strings and regexes.
  • Fixed: browser propagation control when not in browser. This would lead to a [CPPlatformWindow _willPropagateCurrentDOMEvent] unrecognized selector sent to instance error if an event was sent in a non DOM environment.
  • Fixed #1593: editing of custom data views in CPTableView.
  • Fixed: a CPArrayController driven table could show an empty selection after removeObject:.
  • Fixed: removing selected CPPopUpButton item. When the selected item of a CPPopUpButton is removed the first item should become selected.
  • Fixed: popovers in modal windows couldn’t be interacted with. This prevented e.g. date picker popovers in sheet dialogs.
  • Fixed: CPCib instantiateCibWithOwner:topLevelObjects: did not allow a nil owner.
  • Fixed: jumping text when editing a CPTextField in some browsers, especially Firefox and newer versions of Chrome.
  • Fixed: Internet Explorer drew toolbars of borderless windows wrong.
  • CPCib initWithContentsOfURL: returns nil if the requested data is nil.
  • Fixed: CPTokenFields would sometimes unexpectedly steal first responder status. If an autocomplete choice was made followed by immediately focusing on another control, the token field would reclaim first responder status a moment later.
  • Fixed: CPTokenField scrolling away from selected token. Sometimes clicking a token would cause the token field to scroll to some other spot.
  • Fixed: CPEvent data1 and data2 weren’t stored right. They were stored in globals instead of ivars, allowing only one data1 or data2 in the whole app.
  • Fixed: in CPArrayController wrong indexes would become selected when removing arranged objects.
  • Fixed: CPWindowController setViewController: was incorrectly causing view loading.
  • Fixed: wrong text sizing across the board for custom fonts. If a custom font was used with the CSS @font-face syntax, Cappuccino would calculate the wrong sizes for strings throughout.
  • Allow CPControl formatter to format nil.
  • Fixed: many sheet related first responder and mouse interaction bugs.
  • Fixed: non-key window text fields tried to receive input, looked active.
  • Fixed: text field font size while editing was wrong in Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed: text field cut/paste by context menu would not trigger a change notification. Also just regular copy and paste could fail to trigger notifications.


  • New: XcodeCapp support for Xcode 4.4 with much improved code generation. The Xcode 4.4 support enables connection of new outlets and actions without restarting Xcode. At the same time Xcode should now be better at recognising the super classes of Cappuccino classes.
  • New: support for User Defined Runtime Attributes in IB.
  • New: support for defining userland NS classes for conversion from IB.
  • New: support for nib2cib configuration files.
  • New: support CPDateFormatter (although actual formatting not yet implemented in Cappuccino.)
  • New: support for tooltips.
  • Faster image utility.
  • New: support for CPProgressIndicator size.
  • nib2cib will now log the path and size of custom image resources in super verbose mode.
  • New: support alternative image and title for buttons.
  • New: support “thick divider” split view style.
  • New: support for tags on NSCell, useful for radio groups.

Bug Fixes:

  • NSButton now allows buttons that are not fixed height, if the theme allows it.
  • Fixed: a regular size spinner in IB became twice as large in Cappuccino.
  • Fixed: button imageDimsWhenDisabled default.
  • Make the default grid color in IB show correctly in CPTableView.
  • Make NSClipView obey the Draw Background checkbox in IB


  • Improved capp ThemeDescriptor template with better tasks, documentation and structure.
  • Stop generating useless XML from doxygen.
  • New dump_theme tool to inspect themes.
  • New: capp_lint added to Tools.
  • Fixed: don’t mention narwhaljs.org in bootstrap.sh - it doesn’t exist anymore.
  • Warn about the need to xcode-select in bootstrap.sh.
  • New: capp_lint check for space inside parens and dependent statement on same line

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: objcc --includeTypeSignatures typo.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.6 (RC1)

Release date: 2012-04-26

Foundation and Core

  • Faster CPNotificationCenter removeObserver:.
  • Complete isEqual: support for CPExpression and CPPredicate subclasses.
  • New: CPObject performSelector:withObject:.
  • Improved docuemntation for CPSet and CPMutableSet.
  • New: objcc -T (or --includeTypeSignatures) option which activates the IncludeTypeSignatures option.
  • New: CFPropertyList support for date decoding.
  • New: CPIndexSet enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:, enumerateIndexesWithOptions:usingBlock: and enumerateIndexesInRange:options:usingBlock:.
  • CPIndexSet optimisations.
  • New: CPArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed #1405: TypeError: framework is not a function, it is undefined when compiling Objective-J on Linux.
  • Fixed #1405: Error: Could not load file at Foundation/Foundation.j when compiling Aristo on Linux.
  • Fixed: CPNotificatioNCenter notifications were sent to removed observers. If one observer of a notification centre notification removed another observer, that other observer would still be notified even that it was no longer observing.
  • Fixed #1424: incorrect PNG paths for pngcrush.
  • Fixed: CFPropertyList.propertyListFromXML did not properly decode base64 encoded data values.
  • Fixed: CPKeyedUnarchiver decodeBytesForKey:.


  • Archive default theme attribute values.
  • New: tooltips are now themable.
  • New: some bindings support for CPPopUpButton.
  • New: title support for CPBox.
  • New: support for split view shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview: delegate method.
  • Improved: rewritten CPSplitView resizing which plays well with a mix of fixed size and non-fixed size panes.
  • Throw an exception when trying to set a scroller’s knob proportion to NaN or Inifinity.
  • Minor CPCollectionView optimisations.
  • Throw an exception when trying to set a null minimum item size for a CPCollectionView.
  • New: CPWorkspace openFile: and openURL:.
  • Support for “small” size toolbars (CPToolbar sizeMode).
  • Improved documentation for CPSplitView and CPScrollView.
  • New: checkbox placeholder bindings options.
  • Calculate a default key view loop for windows loading from cibs if necessary even if autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop is NO.
  • Constrain CPColor components to [0.0, 1.0].
  • New: CPColor colorWithSRGBRed:green:blue:alpha:.
  • New: CPColorSpace (basic).
  • New: CPGradient with drawInRect:angle:.
  • Stub out CPView inLiveResize.
  • New: CPGraphicsContext isFlipped.
  • Tile narrow vertical three part images horizontally, and short horizontal three part images vertically. For example you can use a 1px wide vertical three part image to stretch to any width.
  • New: CPColorWell bindings support.
  • New: CPOutlineView delegate method outlineView:shouldShowOutlineDisclosureControlForItem: (corresponding to shouldShowOutlineCellForItem: in Cocoa).
  • New: appkit_tag_dom_elements debug option adds a data-cappuccino-view attribute to most Cappuccino controls, making it easier to troubleshoot in a browser based document inspector.
  • Minor scroll view optimisations.
  • Don’t draw a table corner view if there is no vertical scrollbar.
  • New: CPSet sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:.
  • New: CPView registerThemeValues: to change view theme attributes at runtime in a manner similar to ThemeDescriptors.j.
  • CPPopover animation tweaks and improvements.
  • New: select CPOutlineView item parent with left arrow key.
  • New: CPOutlineView selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView: delegate method.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed #1296: CPBrowser did not notify its delegate of new selections if the selection was made using the keyboard.
  • Fixed #1413: Internet Explorer colorWithCSSString: crash. Syntax such as [[CPColor colorWithCSSString:@"rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"] cssString] lead to a CSS string incompatible with browsers without the CSS rgba feature.
  • Fixed #1412: Internet Explorer rendered clearColor shadows in black.
  • Fixed #1411: in Internet Explorer, no table/outline view selection highlights would render for certain cibs.
  • Fixed: CPArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate: and CPArray filterUsingPredicate: did not work for certain types of arrays, and could potentially cause erroneous results for CPArrayControllers with filter predicates.
  • Fixed #1436: calling CPShadowView shadowViewEnclosingView: on a subclass of CPShadowView would return an instance of the superclass.
  • Fixed: CPTabView selectedTabViewItem would raise an exception when there were no tab items instead of nil.
  • Fixed: CPTabView would not properly reflect changed views if the view changed while the tab was not selected.
  • Fixed: CPSplitView tried to auto save even without an auto save name.
  • Fixed: + CPFont boldFontWithName:size:italic: sometimes returned a non-bold, non-italic font.
  • Fixed #1444: CPCompoundPredicate of CPNotPredicateType error.
  • Fixed: + CPFont fontWithName:size:italic: sometimes returned a non-italic font even for italic:YES.
  • Fixed: CPTableColumn decoded and set its header view twice.
  • Fixed: CPArrayController avoidsEmptySelection incorrectly was applied when setting an empty selection through code.
  • Fixed #1450: a scroll view with non hiding legacy scrollbars would crash if the document view had a size of 0 pixels in either dimension.
  • Fixed: CPCollectionView setSelectionIndexes:nil would freeze the app.
  • Fixed: don’t crash when loading a CPCollectionView with no item prototype view from a cib.
  • Fixed: sending CPWindow setAutorecalculatesKeyViewLoop:NO caused the window to recalculate the key view loop.
  • Fixed: [CPString count] unrecognized selector error when binding an array controller’s content array to a key of another AC’s selection.
  • CPWindow autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop now defaults to NO rather than null.
  • Fixed: small size toolbars in bridge windows didn’t show the bottom shadow line.
  • Fixed: blurry CPOutlineView disclosure triangle.
  • Fixed: scroll views with a bezel border had two strange dots in the upper corners instead of a Lion-like bezel.
  • Fixed: table column divider lines were drawn on top of the header bottom line.
  • CPViewController view loading behaviour tweaks.
  • Fixed: CPViewController initWithCibNamed:bundle: ignored the bundle argument.
  • Fixed: CPPopover created a new window every time it opened, leaking memory in the process.
  • Fixed: CPPopover delegate method popoverDidClose could be called before animation finished.
  • Fixed: CPPopUpButton exposed an unintended selectedTag method.


  • Make bold text labels a little taller when converted to avoid cropping the bottom.
  • New: CPStepper support.
  • New: CPTableView background colour support.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: empty CPTabViews could not be converted.
  • Fixed: toolbars with standard items such as NSToolbarShowColorsItem didn’t convert right.
  • Fixed: CPBox title position 'none’ was converted to ‘on top’.
  • Support for CPWindow autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop.
  • Fixed: base64 data could not be decoded from nib files.
  • Fixed: search fields had the bottom pixel cut off.
  • Fixed: toolbar search fields were cut in half height-wise due to a too small max size.
  • Fixed: spinner style progress indicators were nib2cibbed to progress bars.
  • Fixed: spinner progress indicators took on the wrong size in Cappuccino.


  • Fixed #1401: Cappuccino docs wouldn’t display properly in Windows.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.5

Release date: 2011-11-16

The final release of Cappuccino 0.9.5 is identical to RC5.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.5 (RC5)

Release date: 2011-11-16


  • Fixed version number in documentation.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.5 (RC4)

Release date: 2011-11-16


  • Fixed with CPTokenField: quickly entered tokens would be ignored.
  • Fixed with CPTokenField: crash if added to a window in a unit test.
  • Fixed #1398: in a CPTokenField, deleting tokens in front of selected tokens would shift the selection to the right.
  • Fixed #1397: make sure CPTokenField selection is initialised when loading from cib.

What’s New in Cappuccino 0.9.5 (RC3)

Release date: 2011-11-11

Foundation and Core

  • Local param shadowing now emits a warning instead of an error. This is temporary awaiting a proper fix of param shadowing in the preprocessor.
  • CPScanner fixes.
  • Don’t log backtraces repeatedly when using objj_backtrace_decorator.
  • CPString -substringWithRange: and -rangeOfString:options:range now throws CPRangeException for out of bounds ranges.
  • Add -forwardingTargetForSelector: support.
  • Crude but functional infinite recursion checker, optional at compile time.
  • New: CPNumberFormatter with CPNumberFormatterDecimalStyle support.
  • New: support null values in CPDictionary's +dictionaryWithJSObject:recursively: (issue #1299).
  • New: objjc –help.
  • New: objjc option to compile to stdout, with or without @STATIC tags, suitable for JavaScript linters.
  • Improved performance of [CPString copy].

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: CPURL -isEqual: for URLs with redundant slashes.
  • Fixed: CPDate timezone calculation in initWithString:.
  • Fixed #1065: CPString -rangeOfString: backwards search did not work.
  • Fixed: CPString -rangeOfString: anchored backwards search did not work.
  • Fixed: searching a string for @“” with CPString -rangeOfString: returned results other than CPNotFound.
  • Fixed: CPString -rangeOfString:options:range returned locations relative to the passed-in range instead of the full string.
  • Fixed: CPMutableSet -addObject: should raise with nil or undefined.
  • Fixed: very large numbers written to 280north1 plist files would be read back as very small numbers. This would among other things break nib2cib where certain controls would take on infinitesimal sizes.
  • Fixed #1289: infinite recursion when coercing an object without a -description method into a string.
  • Fixed #469: infinite recursion when an unimplemented message was sent to an object with no superclass.
  • Fixed with CPDecimal: decimal numbers below 1.0 would compare incorrectly with 0.0.
  • Fixed #1380, #1383: avoid “popen error (pipe): Too many open files” error when building Cappuccino.
  • Fixed #1384: avoid user defaults QUOTAEXCEEDEDERR crash.


  • New: CPButton continuous mode.
  • Improved: CPSound error handling and better Cocoa compliance.
  • Improved: table view keyboard row selection.
  • New: CPProgressIndicator is now coding compliant.
  • New: keyboard navigation in menus.
  • New: mouse wheel support in menus.
  • New: automatic or explicit scroll mode selection for web views.
  • New: support for pattern fills in CGContext (CGContextSetFillColor with a pattern color).
  • Clean up JavaScript (missing semicolons, don’t use commas as statement separators.)
  • CPWebView -isLoading method.
  • Support for web views with transparent or coloured backgrounds.
  • CPObjectController automaticallyPreparesContent support.
  • Added support for the CPNullPlaceholderBindingOption for bound text fields.
  • New: text field support for CPContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption.
  • New: bindings support for inline table view cell editing.
  • Support for CPOutlineView outlineViewDeleteKeyPressed: delegate method.
  • CPEvents sent during mouseDragged: now have deltaX and deltaY appropriately set (issues #1210, #1211).
  • New: coding support for CPIndexPath.
  • CPMenu item validation.
  • New: collectionView:menuForItemAtIndex: delegate method support.
  • New: CPDictionary -keysSortedByValueUsingSelector: which, just as it sounds, returns the keys of the dictionary sorted using a given selector.
  • Key equivalent display in menus for special characters such as escape, tab, arrow keys and many others.
  • New: tooltip support for any view with the standard yellow box look (issue #1264).
  • Remove table view corner view if there is no header view.
  • Added CPMenu -removeAll method (issue #1260).
  • New: CPPredicateEditor allows a search or filter predicate to be constructed visually by the user.
  • Optimise array controller addObject: by eliminating entirely pointless rearrange when added objects did not pass the filter. Also avoid double rearrange if clearsFilterPredicateOnInsertion.
  • Draw table view gridlines precisely inside the right side of cells so that grid line positioning and spacing matches Cocoa.
  • New: CPUserDefaultsController which can be used to easily bind controls to user default keys, in Interface Builder or elsewhere.
  • Optimise CPArrayController insertObject:atArrangedObjectIndex:.
  • Minor array controller optimisation: don’t send a filterPredicate change notification if clearsFilterPredicateOnInsertion is YES but filterPredicate is already nil when insertObject:atArrangedObjectIndex: is called.
  • CPArrayController handlesContentAsCompoundValue support for contentArray binding.
  • Left and right arrow keys can now be used to expand and collapse items in CPOutlineView.
  • New: CPLevelIndicator shows a meter with discrete levels from empty to full.
  • CPFormatter support for CPControl.
  • New scroll view scrollViewWillScroll: and scrollViewDidScroll: delegate methods, inspired by UIScrollViewDelegate (issue #1177).
  • Multiple improvements to CPMenu opening, closing and handling of submenus.
  • Coding support for CPCharacterSet when the set is of the characterSetWithCharactersInString kind.
  • CPCharacterSet -isEqual: support when the set is of the characterSetWithCharactersInString kind.
  • Inverted CPCharacterSet +characterSetWithCharactersInString now archive properly.
  • New: coding support for CPTokenField.
  • CPArray range checking (issue #1334).
  • CPBoxes created with +boxEnclosingView: now take on the autoresizing mask of the passed view (issue #1335).
  • Improved table view redrawing performance when usesAlternatingBackgroundColors is YES (issue #1341).
  • Allow CPAlert subclasses to use +alertWithMessageText:... et al (issue #1333).
  • Improved performance of valueForKeyPath: (issue #1344).
  • [CPSound play] now plays the sound once it has been loaded if it hasn’t yet (issue #1345).
  • Raise CPRangeException if CPString substringToIndex: is out of bounds.
  • New: support nested willChange<Key> and didChange<Key> calls. When multiple calls are nested, only the first willChange... and the last didChange... will notify observers, avoiding duplicate notifications for the same change. This can massively improve performance since observations sometimes lead to cascading updates (issue #1343).
  • Send didChange in reverse order of willChange in CPObjectController setContent:.
  • Implemented support for the CPTokenField tokenField:shouldAddObjects:atIndex: delegate method (issue #1360).
  • CPStepper button sizes can now be themed.
  • New: CPColorWithImages() convenience function to quickly create a CPColor from single, 3-part or 9-part images (issue #1274).
  • Enhanced -description method of CPImage and CPColor to show the exact content, especially for pattern colors (issue #1274).
  • New: allow binding a table column value to an array controller reached through a key path.
  • Improved split view performance: eliminate excessive splitViewDidResizeSubviews: messages.
  • New: support for collapsing views towards the right in split views.
  • New: split view auto save support.
  • New: ‘overlay’ style scrollbars which fade out when not in use. Old style scrollbars are also supported and automatically enabled if the browser does not use overlay style scrollbars (e.g. OS X Lion with a touch enabled input device uses overlay style scrollbars, but a Windows XP machine with a mousewheel would not.)
  • New: CPWindow setMovable: support which specifies whether a window can be dragged (issue #1358).
  • New: CPPopover control to create small “pop up” widgets attached to other controls, similar to the Downloads pop-over in Safari 5 (issue #1316).
  • Allow almost anything as a key equivalent unless a text field is the first responder. E.g. pressing “a” with no modifiers can now trigger a button.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed with CPViewAnimation: all animation curves behaved like a linear curve (issue #1313).
  • Fixed: issue with CPSound in Firefox.
  • Fixed #1033: CPFlashView setParameters: bugs.
  • Fixed: uniform table view column resizing.
  • Fixed: CPSearchField layout glitch.
  • Fixed #1122: CPSplitView setIsPaneSplitter: had the opposite effect of what it should have been.
  • Fixed with CPTextField: cut and paste using the mouse did not set stringValue properly.
  • Fixed with CPTextField: CPControlTextDidBeginEditingNotification and CPControlTextDidChangeNotification were not sent after cut and paste.
  • Fixed: bugs with CPTableView column resizing.
  • Fixed: CPOutLineView outlineView:sortDescriptorsDidChange: delegate message was not sent.
  • Fixed with KVO: method replacement happened for every call to addObserver: when one replacement would do.
  • Fixed: spacing in CPBrowser.
  • Fixed: color panel layout issues.
  • Fixed: scroll view corner and headerview decoding.
  • Fixed: unarchiving table views with no header view.
  • Fixed #1136: for the most part, web views’ setScrollMode: message did nothing.
  • Fixed: web view AppKit scrollbars often did not reflect the true content size of the view.
  • Fixed: several Internet Explorer compatibility bugs.
  • Fixed: [CPArrayController arrangedObjects] could be nil.
  • Fixed #1160: CPSearchField delegate method controlTextDidChange: didn’t always get fired.
  • Fixed: memory leak in CPSearchField.
  • Fixed: scroller error when horizontal scroller was too small.
  • Fixed: split view did not reposition subviews or remove divider when a subview was removed.
  • Fixed: root layer transform inadvertantly changed when redisplayed.
  • Fixed: if unarchiver:didDecodeObject: returned nil, the original object was still replaced (with nil) instead of being kept.
  • Fixed #864: corner view did not always draw the line above the left edge of the scroll view.
  • Fixed: loading an empty string into a web view would make it entirely white regardless of the background colour specified.
  • Fixed: in Firefox, certain web views would not send the first webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: delegate message.
  • Fixed: CPSlider isContinuous disagreed with setContinuous:.
  • Fixed: CPSliders always became continuous when archived/unarchived.
  • Fixed: more graceful handling when nextKeyView is self.
  • Fixed: when a column was selected the column selection colour would not cover the whole column.
  • Fixed: table views’ rectOfColumn: method returned a rect reduced by the intercell spacing. It should return the rect of the entire column.
  • Fixed: when table view grid lines were active they did not draw on top of selection highlights like in Cocoa.
  • Fixed: an array controller with a bound contentArray would sometimes fail when add:, remove: and similar methods were called.
  • Fixed #687: CPColor colorWithCSSString: did not properly handle the alpha component of the CSS rbga() syntax.
  • Fixed: CPInvalidArgumentException: Unsupported method on CPArray when attempting to bind to a CPArrayController's arrangedObjects before calling setContent:.
  • Fixed #1174: CPArrayController _arrangedObjects initialisation error.
  • Fixed: CPOutlineView provided dragged items in reverse order.
  • Fixed: once a table view drag and drop was retargeted, the new target would ‘stick’ as the drag continued.
  • Fixed: the content view of a decoded CPBox would have the wrong autoresizing mask.
  • Fixed: unhandled keyboard events of a window did not travel past the window.
  • Fixed: JS objects ‘randomly’ failed to unarchive due to a caching problem. One visible symptom was that CPTextField's custom inset would decode fine, but a subclass of a CPTextField would fail to decode the inset.
  • Fixed: table headers didn’t scroll with the rest of the table during drag and drop.
  • Fixed: CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents assumed there’d only be two colors in each gradient.
  • Fixed #1242: color space was missing for colors created by CGColorCreateGenericGray, CGColorCreateGenericRGB and CGColorCreateGenericCMYK.
  • Fixed #1242: CGColorCreateCopyWithAlpha could create colors with an alpha value incorrectly linked to other cached colors.
  • Fixed: crash when the same observer was removed twice. Warn instead.
  • Fixed: out of bounds error in CPPopUpButton itemWithTitle:.
  • Fixed: setting a new platform window on a visisble window caused a DOM exception.
  • Fixed: [CPIndexSet indexPathByRemovingLastIndex] didn’t remove the last index.
  • Fixed: [CPIndexSet indexes] did not return a copy of the indexes.
  • Fixed #1249: multiple _CPImageAndTextViews sharing the same CPImage failed to properly observe its loading.
  • Fixed #684: sizing problem when revealing hidden CPWebView.
  • Fixed #664: web view sizing bug when loading contents prior to adding the view to the display tree.
  • Fixed #682: CPColor isEqual: sometimes failed to recognise equal instances specified with colorWithCSSString:.
  • Fixed: CPColor isEqual: for pattern images.
  • Fixed: on WebKit for the Mac, the right command key was not recognised as a modifier.
  • Fixed: duplicate observer notification for array controller addObject: (on arrangedObjects).
  • Fixed: CPTableColumn width, minWidth and maxWidth encoding.
  • Fixed: don’t return nil from CPController initWithCoder:.
  • Fixed: during CPUserDefault change notifications, objectForKey: could return the value from prior to the change.
  • Fixed: array controller remove: would not only remove selected rows, but also any other rows isEqual: to the selected rows.
  • Fixed with table view: don’t start dragging if there are no rows.
  • Fixed: under some circumstances a CPMenu could return a separator as the highligted item.
  • Fixed: pressing the up arrow key in a table view would cause a crash if the previous selection was non continuous.
  • Fixed #1320: if a CPTextField's target action changed the first responder then the target action was called twice if the textfield edit was completed by hitting the enter/return key.
  • Fixed #1285: CPPredicate would crash if a beginsWith or endsWith comparison was made where the right hand string was longer than the left hand string.
  • Fixed #1305: max toolbar item width was constrained to the width of the label.
  • Fixed with menus: don’t disallow setEnabled: for auto enabled items.
  • Fixed with token fields: tokenField:tokenField completionsForSubstring:indexOfToken:indexOfSelectedItem: ignored its indexOfToken: parameter.
  • Fixed: in recent versions of WebKit window.open(“”) does not work, which broke new platform windows (issue #1352).
  • Fixed: CPArrayController setSelectionIndexes: sometimes modified its input.
  • Fixed: several CPArrayController methods returned undefined instead of booleans.
  • Fixed: CPWindow did not return NO to acceptsFirstResponder messages.
  • Fixed: multiple errors with key view loops (window’s content view not included at the start of the loop, selectNextKeyView:, selectPreviousKeyView:, selectKeyViewFollowingView: and selectKeyViewPrecedingView: not acting like in Cocoa).
  • Fixed: mutableArrayValueForKey: KVO proxy objects did not use plural selectors (e.g. remove<Key>AtIndexes:, replace<Key>AtIndexes:) when implemented by the proxied object.
  • Fixed: platform window titles could not be changed once the window had been opened.
  • Fixed with CPStepper setFrame: method modified its input.
  • Fixed: CPRadio sent its action after a programmatic setState: change.
  • Fixed: disappearing or fuzzy table header dividing lines at certain table sizes.
  • Fixed #1376: zombie table group rows.
  • Fixed with CPTextField: if a field lost focus while a key was depressed the string value would not update with the last pressed key.
  • Fixed: CPMenu -removeAllItems was not KVO compliant.
  • Fixed #1319: CPPopupButton -selectedIndex could become wrong when menu items were removed.
  • Fixed #1019: in Internet Explorer, many key equivalents such as left arrow, page up and delete did not work.


  • New: CPProgressIndicator support.
  • New: Support for image views in table views.
  • New: Support ‘enabled’ state for controls.
  • Much improved font support (issue #1197 among others.)
  • Support for sendsActionOnEndEditing flag.
  • Improved support for radio buttons (issue #1197).
  • nib2cib support for bold and italic (issue #1266).
  • Much improved button positioning for various button styles (issue #1268).
  • nib2cib support for NSButtonCell (e.g. checkboxes) in table columns.
  • Partial button image support in nib2cib covering NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate (standard plus and minus buttons).
  • nib2cib support for formatters such as the new number formatter.
  • nib2cib support for token fields.
  • New: XcodeCapp, a graphical utility which automates the nib2cib process and makes it easy to use Xcode 4’s Interface Builder to visually create and edit the user interface of a Cappuccino application. XcodeCapp replaces the older command line based xcodecapp utility.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: sometimes nib2cibbed check boxes would appear out of place.
  • Fixed #1190: potential Result of expression '_subviews[index]' [null] is not an object error for nib2cibbed radio groups.
  • Fixed: could not load theme errors.
  • Fixed #1265: enabled state for NSColorWell was not read properly.


  • Fixed Objective-J Preprocessor tests: scoping bug that caused only the last file in FILENAMES to be tested.
  • Improved: Xcode 4.0 support for building NativeHost.
  • Documentation updates: new front page, tweaked design and many more documented classes and methods.
  • More complete capp --help.
  • man page for capp.
  • Fixed #1259: issues finding Mac OS X 10.5 SDK on certain machines when building NativeHost.
  • New: “framework” template for capp which generates a skeleton Cappuccino Framework (issue #1321).
  • Cappuccino moved to a new GitHub location: https://github.com/cappuccino/cappuccino.
  • Simplified bootstrap which better hides complexity.
  • When bootstrapping, don’t suggest changing NARWHAL_ENGINE to jsc if it’s already jsc.