API  1.0.0
CPColorPicker Class Reference

#import <CPColorPicker.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPColorPicker:

Instance Methods

(CPColorPanel- colorPanel
(id) - initWithPickerMask:colorPanel:
(CPImage- provideNewButtonImage
(void) - setColor:
(void) - setMode:
- Instance Methods inherited from CPObject
(void) - addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:
(void) - applyChange:toKeyPath:
(id) - autorelease
(id) - awakeAfterUsingCoder:
(void) - awakeFromCib
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(Class) - classForCoder
(Class) - classForKeyedArchiver
(CPString- className
(id) - copy
(void) - dealloc
(CPString- description
(CPDictionary- dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:
(void) - didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
(CPArray) - exposedBindings
(id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
(void) - forwardInvocation:
(unsigned) - hash
(BOOL) - implementsSelector:
(CPDictionary- infoForBinding:
(id) - init
(BOOL) - isEqual:
(BOOL) - isKindOfClass:
(BOOL) - isMemberOfClass:
(BOOL) - isProxy
(IMP) - methodForSelector:
(CPMethodSignature) - methodSignatureForSelector:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKey:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:
(id) - mutableCopy
(id) - mutableSetValueForKey:
(id) - mutableSetValueForKeyPath:
(id) - performSelector:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
(id) - performSelector:withObjects:
(void) - release
(void) - removeObserver:forKeyPath:
(id) - replacementObjectForArchiver:
(id) - replacementObjectForCoder:
(id) - replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver:
(BOOL) - respondsToSelector:
(id) - retain
(id) - self
(void) - setValue:forKey:
(void) - setValue:forKeyPath:
(void) - setValue:forUndefinedKey:
(void) - setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:
(CPString- UID
(void) - unbind:
(Class) - valueClassForBinding:
(id) - valueForKey:
(id) - valueForKeyPath:
(id) - valueForUndefinedKey:
(void) - willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from CPObject
(BOOL) + accessInstanceVariablesDirectly
(id) + alloc
(id) + allocWithCoder:
(BOOL) + automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:
(Class) + class
(BOOL) + conformsToProtocol:
(void) + exposeBinding:
(void) + initialize
(IMP) + instanceMethodForSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesImplementSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesRespondToSelector:
(BOOL) + isBindingExclusive:
(BOOL) + isSubclassOfClass:
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:
(void) + load
(id) + new
(void) + object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(void) + setVersion:
(Class) + superclass
(int) + version

Detailed Description

CPColorPicker is an abstract superclass for all color picker subclasses. If you want a particular color picker, use CPColorPanel's +setPickerMode: method. The simplest way to implement your own color picker is to create a subclass of CPColorPicker.

Definition at line 2 of file CPColorPicker.h.

Method Documentation

◆ colorPanel()

- (CPColorPanel) colorPanel

Returns the color panel that owns this picker

Definition at line 61 of file CPColorPicker.j.

◆ initWithPickerMask:colorPanel:()

- (id) initWithPickerMask: (int)  aMask
colorPanel: (CPColorPanel aPanel 

Initializes the color picker.

aMaska unique unsigned int identifying your color picker
aPanelthe color panel that owns this picker

Reimplemented in CPColorWheelColorPicker, and CPSliderColorPicker.

Definition at line 47 of file CPColorPicker.j.

◆ provideNewButtonImage()

- (CPImage) provideNewButtonImage

Reimplemented in CPColorWheelColorPicker, and CPSliderColorPicker.

Definition at line 71 of file CPColorPicker.j.

◆ setColor:()

- (void) setColor: (CPColor aColor

Sets the picker's color.

aColorthe new color for the picker

Reimplemented in CPColorWheelColorPicker, and CPSliderColorPicker.

Definition at line 88 of file CPColorPicker.j.

◆ setMode:()

- (void) setMode: (CPColorPanelMode)  mode

Sets the color picker's mode.

modethe color panel mode

Definition at line 80 of file CPColorPicker.j.

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