API  1.0.0
CPShadow Class Reference

#import <CPShadow.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPShadow:

Instance Methods

(CPString- cssString
(void) - set
(void) - setShadowBlurRadius:
(void) - setShadowColor:
(void) - setShadowOffset:
(float) - shadowBlurRadius
(CPColor- shadowColor
(CGSize) - shadowOffset
- Instance Methods inherited from CPObject
(void) - addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:
(void) - applyChange:toKeyPath:
(id) - autorelease
(id) - awakeAfterUsingCoder:
(void) - awakeFromCib
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(Class) - classForCoder
(Class) - classForKeyedArchiver
(CPString- className
(id) - copy
(void) - dealloc
(CPString- description
(CPDictionary- dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:
(void) - didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
(CPArray) - exposedBindings
(id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
(void) - forwardInvocation:
(unsigned) - hash
(BOOL) - implementsSelector:
(CPDictionary- infoForBinding:
(id) - init
(BOOL) - isEqual:
(BOOL) - isKindOfClass:
(BOOL) - isMemberOfClass:
(BOOL) - isProxy
(IMP) - methodForSelector:
(CPMethodSignature) - methodSignatureForSelector:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKey:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:
(id) - mutableCopy
(id) - mutableSetValueForKey:
(id) - mutableSetValueForKeyPath:
(id) - performSelector:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
(id) - performSelector:withObjects:
(void) - release
(void) - removeObserver:forKeyPath:
(id) - replacementObjectForArchiver:
(id) - replacementObjectForCoder:
(id) - replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver:
(BOOL) - respondsToSelector:
(id) - retain
(id) - self
(void) - setValue:forKey:
(void) - setValue:forKeyPath:
(void) - setValue:forUndefinedKey:
(void) - setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:
(CPString- UID
(void) - unbind:
(Class) - valueClassForBinding:
(id) - valueForKey:
(id) - valueForKeyPath:
(id) - valueForUndefinedKey:
(void) - willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:

Class Methods

(id) + shadowWithOffset:blurRadius:color:
- Class Methods inherited from CPObject
(BOOL) + accessInstanceVariablesDirectly
(id) + alloc
(id) + allocWithCoder:
(BOOL) + automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:
(Class) + class
(BOOL) + conformsToProtocol:
(void) + exposeBinding:
(void) + initialize
(IMP) + instanceMethodForSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesImplementSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesRespondToSelector:
(BOOL) + isBindingExclusive:
(BOOL) + isSubclassOfClass:
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:
(void) + load
(id) + new
(void) + object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(void) + setVersion:
(Class) + superclass
(int) + version

Detailed Description


Instances of this class contain the attributes of a drop shadow used in Cappuccino.

Definition at line 2 of file CPShadow.h.

Method Documentation

◆ cssString()

- (CPString) cssString

Returns a CSS string representation of the shadow.

Definition at line 74 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ set()

- (void) set

Definition at line 64 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ setShadowBlurRadius:()

- (void) setShadowBlurRadius: (float)  aValue

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 110 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ setShadowColor:()

- (void) setShadowColor: (CPColor aValue

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 126 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ setShadowOffset:()

- (void) setShadowOffset: (CGSize)  aValue

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 94 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ shadowBlurRadius()

- (float) shadowBlurRadius

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 102 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ shadowColor()

- (CPColor) shadowColor

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 118 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ shadowOffset()

- (CGSize) shadowOffset

Synthesized accessor method.

Provided by category CPShadow(CPSynthesizedAccessors).

Definition at line 86 of file CPShadow.j.

◆ shadowWithOffset:blurRadius:color:()

+ (id) shadowWithOffset: (CGSize)  anOffset
blurRadius: (float)  aBlurRadius
color: (CPColor aColor 

Creates a shadow with the specified attributes.

anOffsetthe shadow's offset
aBlurRadiusthe shadow's blur radius
aColorthe shadow's color
the new shadow

Definition at line 44 of file CPShadow.j.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: