
Building Cappuccino Documentation

In this post I will explain how you can use the jake command to build the Cappuccino documentation straight from the source. I will cover building both the HTML version of the source, as well as a DocSet version suitable for use in Dash or XCode.

Getting Started

You will need the following tools to build the Cappuccino documentation from source. (These are all available from your preferred package manager).

  • doxygen: An open-source documentation generator. I used v.1.8.7.
  • markdown: The Markdown compiler.
  • graphviz: Optional, but recommended. Uses the dot utility to generate inheritance graphs

Building HTML Documentation

Once you have the prerequisites installed (and assuming you’ve built and installed Cappuccino), the easiest way to generate the documentation is using the jake command in your Cappuccino source directory.

$> jake docs

This command will apply some source formatting and then run Doxygen to generate the documentation. Once it has finished, your documentation can be found in your Cappuccino Build directory (On my system, this is Build/Documentation/html inside my Cappuccino source directory). Open up index.html in your favourite web browser.

Building DocSets

DocSets are a documentation bundle, and can be used in several documentation viewers including Dash and XCode. Doxygen can be configured to build a docset.

Note: Some of these build notes come from Bogdan Popescu, maker of the Dash documentation viewer.

Configure Doxygen

The Cappuccino Doxygen file is in Tools/Documentation/Cappuccino.doxygen. Generating a docset requires some modifications to this file.

DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.cappuccino-project.cappuccino
DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.cappuccino-project
DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Cappuccino Project
PROJECT_NAME = Cappuccino

Build the Documentation

Once you have configured doxygen, you can build the documentation using jake, similar to the process used for the HTML documentation. For best results, you should disable the Doxygen frame:

$> jake docs-no-frame

Build the Docset

In the Build/Documentation/html directory there should now be a Makefile. This will be used to build the docset.

Optional: Disable Text Indexes

You can disable the full-text search function, which makes the build process much faster. Edit the make file, and find the line:

$(XCODE_INSTALL)/usr/bin/docsetutil index $(DOCSET_NAME)

You should replace it with:

$(XCODE_INSTALL)/usr/bin/docsetutil index -skip-text $(DOCSET_NAME)

Run Make

To build the docset, ensure you are in the Build/Documentation/html directory and run:

$> make

By default, this will generate the file org.cappuccino-project.cappuccino.docset in the Build/Documentation/html directory. You should rename this:

$> mv org.cappuccino-project.cappuccino.docset Cappuccino.docset

Optional: Look-and-Feel

There are a couple post-configuration tasks that will make your docset look a bit nicer. The first is to apply a few custom CSS tools to the docset. In Build/Documentation/html run the following command:

cd Cappuccino.docset && echo -e "open(FILE, \">>\$ARGV[0]\");\nprint FILE \"\\\n#top {display:none}\\\n#side-nav {display:none}\\\n\";\nprint \"Appended CSS to \$ARGV[0]\\\n\";\nclose(FILE);" > css.pl && find . -type f -name "*.css" -exec perl css.pl {} \; && rm -rf css.pl && cd ../

Optional: Dash Icon and Keyword

If you are using Dash, you can also replace the default Info.plist with one supplied by Bogdan Popescu, which will cause Dash to display the Cappuccino logo and provide the cappuccino: keyword. (You may need to right-click and “Save As…” the .plist file).

$> cp ~/Downloads/Info.plist Cappuccino.docset/Contents

Using the DocSets

Double-clicking the docset should open it up in your favourite documentation viewer. Here’s a screenshot of it in Dash:

You can also open the docsets in XCode by placing the .docset file in ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/. You will need to restart XCode if it’s already running.

Wrapping up

The Cappuccino documentation still has a long way to go (and we’re always looking for volunteers to help!) but hopefully this post has provided some help for building the latest version of the documentation straight from the source.

Posted by Andrew Hankinson
on Jun 24, 2014.
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